Upgrading an USG110 to USG700Flex - some questions
Since our USG110, especially the support for it, is soonly running out of service, we're considering to purchase an USG700Flex as replacement to avoid a complete new OS we have to familiarize ourselves with. In this connection a few questions occur: 1.In Europe following devices are available for…
Content filter : image broken while accessing http websites
Hello, Trying to enable web content filter on 2 ATP800 (HA) v5.30. Everything works fine if I try to access a blocked website by https : but when I access by http the image is broken : Why image url use domain of website I'm visiting in https and firewall local lan interface in http ? Any help would be welcome ! Thank you
Can I pass Geo IP countries into remote server syslogs?
We have Geo IP set up on our ATP200. On our View Log tab, we can see a country flag next to every source and destination IP address. In our remote log settings, we have all log categories enabled, but no country information is passed through the syslog to our remote server. How can we pass the country name through to our…
IPsec VPN USG Flex 200 error
hello,I am trying to set up a point to point ipsec vpn on a USG Flex 200, my side is the client.I have used the wizard and it has created the gateway and the connection but I can't get it to connect.In the log I see the error Phase 2 proposal mismatch and No proposal chosen. I have checked within the parameters of the VPN…
where can i find old firmware downloads for some old Zyxel Switches
I am clearing out a load of old network switches and zyxel kit, I don't just want to bin kit - (not very green) and these are perfectly good old switches, but before I give them away or sell, i'd like to upgrade to latest firmwares available. Problem is the good old ftp.zyxel site has gone now, and new site doesn't even…
QOS for Clients
Hello, I have several computers at home that have a USG Flex. 100 run. If a PC now makes a download, it takes up the entire bandwidth. How can you set it up so that you can prioritize PCs. Is this under BMW? greetingMarcus
No traffic with VPN site-to-site with 2 USG behind router
Good morning, i have 2 firewalls (USG40 + ATP100) and i created a site to site IPSEC VPN. The vpn connects correctly, but I cannot pass traffic from one side to the other.Both firewalls are behind routers.I followed this guide using the steps related to the configuration behind the router:…
Delete secu manager cert
There is a default CA certificate that is installed and trusted on my VPN100, can I delete this? I have no intention of using the SecuManager service and have read that is has many security vulnerabilities, I would prefer not to trust their cert if I don't have to. Can I delete this without losing other funcionality? Thanks
Connect clients on LAN 1 to server on LAN 2
Apologies if this is trivial but I could not find an answer via Google and I am not a trained network engineer. Based on the network diagram below, how-if possible-should I configure the USG40? Thank you.
Migration Zywall USG 1000 to USG 1100
Hello, we are using an old Zywall USG 1000 and bought a USG 1100. The online converter does not support Zywall USG 1000 => USG 1100. Is there a way or workaround on how to migrate or convert the configuration? Thank you!
Usg20-vpn firmware upgrade
Hi, I have a USG20 VPN that needs to be updated.Current firmware is 4.30 The latest upgrade says "If the firewall running with previous version then ZLD5.00, we recommended upgrade to ZLD5.10 C0 or later version to Standby partition first before upgrading to ZLD5.31" And the notes for firmware 5.30 (oldest available at the…
IPSec Gateway - why is no DPD option for IKEv2 available?
The IPSec VPN Gateway Settings offer, for Phase 1 of IKEv1 (advanced settings) a "Dead Peer Detection" (DPD). In contrast, IKEv2 doesn't offer such a detection. Why not? Also for IKEv2 the USG is able to recognize a dead peer and is showing its state in the VPN Connection table with a colored or greyed connection symbol,…
ATP100 no switch on backup when master connection fall
Hi. I've a little problem with an ATP100, updated today. On WAN port there's terrestrial Antenna with PPP autentication, On OPT there's a standard router for ADSL for backup. Today antenna's connectivity broke, but while the lan cable was inserted there was no switch on backup. If you unplug the cable, it switch on backup.…
flex 100 and secureporter show 1 hour
Hello owner of flex 100 do you have problems regarding secureporter show 1 hour on secureporter portal ? pls. write back. Best pio
USG Flex 100 Problem with Content Filter, Signature Updates, etc... etc...
Greetings, I am using the User Guide USG FLEX 100_V5.31.pdf to verify the settings. The unit is registered and licenses are valid: The App-Patrol Signature update works, the Anti-Malware and IPS cannot be updated??? In Web Content Filter no matter what URL I enter I always getwhen testing a URL: The result is that users…
Parental control is not working
Hello , I have Zyxel PMG5617-R20BI tried to enable parental control to block facebook but it didn't work.I tried following option. Can anyone help me how I can get it working ?
USG20-vpn firwmare upgrade
Hi, I have a USG20 VPN that needs to be updated.Current firmware is 4.30 The latest upgrade says "If the firewall running with previous version then ZLD5.00, we recommended upgrade to ZLD5.10 C0 or later version to Standby partition first before upgrading to ZLD5.31" And the notes for firmware 5.30 (oldest available at the…
Configuration issue with fw USGFLEX100
Hi at all, We tried to configurate a USG FLEX 100 for a customer but i encountered some problems. Our lab network enviroment is: - Router ip and a static public IP; - FIrewall NSG with a WAN Interface and a LAN Interface (already configured in our Nebula) - Switch Layer 2 with the…
USG 200 : 2.20 to latest
Hello, I have a USG 200 zyxel, and I finally got around to updating this router. I saw on the forums that it is necessary to upgrade the versions little by little.Unfortunately, I can't find the versions between 2.20 and the latest (both in the portal with the registered router and in the download center). Could you help…
Interface General and GRE tunnel bug
V5.31(ABFC.0)ITS-22WK31-r104914 Was testing making a
GRE tunnel and found this bug when an interface is set to General with
getting an IP by DHCP when you make a tunnel GRE on that interface to
connect to a remote gateway the interface blocks sending GRE until
you change interface to external then it works.