SSL Inspection question (iPhone iOS 16)?
Hi. I've been experimenting with SSL Inspection on my iPhone (iOS 16) and it seems to work most of the time (traffic is being inspected as it should be). But some apps like Apple App Store, banking apps, national ID apps, home security apps and so on always seem to have an "untrusted certificate chain" flag when checking…
Zyxel USGFLEX 200 problem with two PPPOE
Zyxel USGFLEX 200 problem with two PPPOE connections, I have a message like in the attachment. What am I doing wrong that after 1 minute disconnects # 1 or # 2
Problem ssl vpn client
Good morning,on an atp 500, firmware V5.30 (ABFU.0), i configured a ssl vpn connection.On the various PCs I have installed the ZyWALL SecuExtender client.It happens on many stations that at a first connection everything works, in subsequent connections it is not possible to connect in vpn. Uninstalling ZyWALL SecuExtender…
Destination unreachable on DHCP renew bug
V5.31(ABFC.0)ITS-22WK31-r104914 Start by a capture of a
interface set to DHCP then disable/enable interface all is fine then
go the monitor > traffic statistics > Interface Status and
click renew for the interface now every time it does a request a ACK
happens but the VPN300 send a ICMP destination unreachable…
IPsec IKEv1 with user authentication
Hi Support, I'm facing an issue with setup of an IPsec VPN on my USG20-VPN device at version 5.31 I'm using with success a IKEv1 tunnel only with the Pre-shared key authentication from SecuExtender IPsec client. But, when I try to adding an authentication level with username+password the tunnel doesn't connect as expected.…
USG 40 throughput
Hello, I am running a small network with USG 40 (no wifi). I recently increased the ISP WAN speed from 100M/10M -> 250M/50M. However, I can get only 110 Mbps throughput with the USG. If I connect a laptop directly to the WAN (bypass the USG40), I get full 250M throughput. I searched from the forums and discovered that…
How i can block VPN Hotspot
I have an issue, I configured to block some applications such as Youtube and Facebook on my Zywall, but some users installed the VPN software and they can access those websites normally. How can I block the VPN program?
USG-60 - On VPN SSL I have "Error 0x800b0109 authenticating server credentials! (0x0)"
Hi As in subject, followed all instructions found here with no success. If I reboot USG it works fine and for some days everything is fine but after a while if I try to reconnect I get error again Is there a way to solve this? Best regards…
Windows 11 and securextender frequent disconnects
Having major problems with having a stable connection on a Windows 11 pro laptop. Have disabled wifi and using ethernet only. Connection disconnecting after 2 minutes almost every time using a BT router, continuous ping which is sub 6ms and a 30+ broadband connection. Have re-installed client, rebuilt laptop, disabled AV…
Why doesn't Content filter block adobe.com on USG20-VPN?
Have a customer with a USG20-VPN with content filter subscription. They have computers on a strict whitelist only policy. There's only 24 websites on their Trusted Websites. Putting *adobe.com and *.adobe.com in the Forbidden sites doesn't block it either. I also setup the same content policy with DNS content and there's…
Enable IP/MAC Binding and DHCP Enforcement
So what I get is a client in the list doing DHCP will get the IP listed and should a client not doing DHCP thats in the list for an IP is allowed. But the way I read DHCP client not get DHCP IP from this firewall that the client doing DHCP thats not in the list should not get a IP? but does and is allowed? maybe a option…
Reset firewall
I have a big problem:I manage a network with 310 computers and for some time often especially at the beginning of work the usg210 firewall crashes and the only solution is to remove the power supply and restart it. what can it be ?
Zyxel DHCP client does not honour NO DNS
Zywall 110
V4.72(AAAA.0)ITS-22WK28-r104687 USG60
V4.72(AAKY.0)ITS-22WK35-r105124 Come across this bug
where a Zywall 110 running the DHCP server has no DNS IP set for
clients and a USG60 as DHCP client receives the offer and ACK with no
DNS IP yet the USG60 puts in a DNS IP for Domain Zone Forwarder in
config > system >…
Anti-Malware Security statistic
Hi, i am using ATP500. Firmware VersionV5.30(ABFU.0) / 2022-04-20 01:50:37 . Here is my question, when i control security statistics menu, in ati-malware section there is a virus witch is blocked by firewall. How can i learn wich client is responsible for this.
Zywall IPsec vpn client / SecuExtender version + macOS 10.12 High Sierra
I need a Zywall IPsec vpn client or a SecuExtender version compatible with macOS 10.12 High Sierra. Does any of you have a reliable download source? Thank you for suggestions!
Routing 192.168.x.x/24 via VPN Client
Dear friends! In the company I use a USG Flex 100. The network: Our employees connect to the office from home (ISP network (home router): using Zywall IPsec VPN Client. Opening the tunnel works perfectly but I don't get any traffic with the office. Ask for help and ideas! Win10 routing table…
Maximum number of address objects that can be created on the Zyxel VPN100
What is the maximum number of address objects that can be created on the Zyxel VPN100?
zywall usg 100 no connection to all WAN LAN ports
Hi, I have a zywall usg 100. After a power failure, the PWR indicator lights up, the green SYS indicator lights up. There is no connection to all WAN LAN ports. It is not possible to access anything using on LAN P4. (The interfaces were configured for the provider and the office network) The power supply was…
IPSec VPN Client to access LAN/VLANS behind USG210
I would like to know how I can configure an USG210 (or USG60W for that matter) to allow a computer with IPSEC VPN Client to access different LANs and VLANS behind the firewall. My setup is this: Computer with VPN client connected to a LAN with ipadress 192.168.x.x VPN-tunnel to USG210 Thjis works fine. Connected and…
VPN300 - SSL VPN issue
Good morning. We used to be able to RDP to windows servers through SSL VPN before upgrading our firmware to V5.31(ABFC.0) / 2022-06-30 02:14:49. After we upgraded the firmware we can no longer RDP to our servers. Anything I need to do on my side to handle this issue ?