VMG3925-B10B and usb thumb drive
Hello. My router is Zyxel VMG3925-B10B. I'm trying to access a thumb drive, which I connected to the usb-port of my router, from Windows 10. I can see the thumb drive and its contents on the configuration page when I access it in my internet browser. However I can not access it from Windows 10. I would like to add this…
SBG3300 cannot connect between Wifi and LAN
I have a SBG3300 setup as a wifi router on a fibre connection. I am unable to connect from the LAN to the WIFI network. The LAN PC's can access the internet and so can the WIFI PC's but they are isolated from each other. I have tried adding rules in the firewall and this does not work. I cannot find any other setting that…
VPN Setup Help
Hello I have been desperately trying to setup VPN for a couple of days now without success. I have a SBG3300 at home which is the router to my LAN. I am away, I am using a Windows 10 laptop which is tethered to an IPhone. I have remote access to my router and a static IP so I can access the web based setup. Please can…
Numero chiamante non visibile sul telefono fisso
Da tre mesi ho il Zyxel VMG8823-B50B fornito da Infostrada per collegamento Fibra. Ho il servizio "In vista" attivo ma il numero chiamante non è visibile sul telefono a filo collegato alle porte telefono, nemmeno sull'ultimo modello acquistato (il Sirio Star della TIM). Tuttavia se collego un cordless a quelle stesse porte…
support for XLAT IPv6
Does any model of DSL CPE support for CLAT in (XLAT) method for IPv6 migration? #CPE_March
router VMG8823-B50b
salve infostrada mi ha dato il router facendo una loro promozione fibra ma non riesco ad accedere al pannello di controllo del router mettendo l'ip mi fa fare l'accesso ma poi non compaiono le impostazioni tipo per capirci per cambiare il nome della rete o la password cosa mi potete consigliare di fare? #CPE_October
When deploying GPON network, what are the differences between GPSF and GPHF?
When deploying GPON network, what are the differences between GPSF and GPHF? #Others_March
2,4G and 5G
how to connect to the 5 g wifi network on vmg8823-50B #CPE_February
Windows 10 Can't See USB Share (XMG3512-B10A)
Hi, I'm sure its something simple so my apologies in advance. Basically I insert my USB stick into my Zyxel XMG3512-B10A but my Windows 10 PC apparently cannot map to it. Any help would be great! #CPE_February
Cannot Forward port 80 on WIFI router ( ZYXEL NBG-418N-V2 ) ! - Self answer: it was blocked by ISP
HELP! Just bought ZYXEL NBG-418N-V2
Can I forward port 80 ?? I have tried the menu [NAT->Application - add Port 80] but it doesn't work.. Other port numbers are fine.. #Router_February
vmg1312-b10d with tp-link firmware
Hi, I have a Zyxell vmg1312-b10d router which I installed to a customer less than 2 months ago. Now the customer tells me that the router has problems connecting and then I go and verify that the web interface is different from the one I remembered. At no point is the Zyxell brand shown and the firmware installed on the…
Why can I not see my USB disk attached to my VMG3925 from any PC on the lan?
I have connected an external HDD to the USB port of my VMG3925 and set up sharing however neither my Windows 7 system or my Linux system can see any shares on the router. What workgroup name is used and why is there no way of specifying it in the setup. #CPE_February
VMG8924-B10A Shared Hard Drive/Flash Drive
I am trying to connect either a hard drive or flash drive to USB 1 on the router. I would like to have access to it via Windows Explorer operating system Windows 10. However Windows Explorer doesn't seem to be able to see the folder I have created( Named Test) I am using the following address to trying to access it…
ZyXel G-220 Wireless USB Adapter
Where can I find Windows 10 driver for "ZyXel G-220 Wireless USB Adapter" ? Thx! #Others_February
Router connection
Cant connect i pad to router #Router_February
Multy remote management?
Hi! Am I able to use the app to manage my home network remotely? Like if I'm at work I can login via the app and change settings etc... If not, that's something you should consider. After all, your competitors have this possibility. I think the Multy Pro can do this, but this is not available to buy for regular people,…
4 ZyXEL PLA4201 not working
I have 4 of these, non of them works. Havent used them for some time, and now I decided to try em out agian, but no dice. I have reseted etc, 5-8 sec, and 1-3 sec and so on, but they wont power up. No lights, no nothing. Have I missed something or is this just junk? Hardly used them, are they that fragile? #Annoyed…
Lokalisierung des Forums wäre wünschenswert
Ich habe im alten Zyxel-Forum (http://www.zyxelforum.de/) verständliche Fragen und Antworten gefunden. Das wäre auch in diesem Forum wünschenswert. Es gibt mehr Menschen, die Lösungen suchen und dazu nicht eine Fremdsprache nutzen möchten/können als man vielleicht denkt. Ich selbst habe damit kein Problem - bin beruflich…
Microtik + Zyxel
So my Zyxel Q1000Z router + modem is currently the only device that creates the wifi signal (I'm not a networking guy so not sure how to say this right). Unfortunately, the signal is crap so after doing some research, I bought the Microtik RB951ui router in hope of boosting wifi signal. The box didn't provide any…
zyxel vmg8823-b50b problemi di velocità di connesione
Ciao amici del forum, sono Antonio ed ho un piccolo ma grosso problema con questo modem zyxel vmg8823-b50b. Da circa un mese ho acquistato l'offerta di Infostrada Wind-Home Fibra 100 MB in download e 20 MB in upload. Purtroppo da circa una settimana la velocità della fibra, misurata dal sito http://www.speedtest.net/it,…