VMG8924-B10A Shared Hard Drive/Flash Drive

dashard Posts: 2  Freshman Member
edited February 2018 in Smart Home Product
I am trying to connect either a hard drive or flash drive to USB 1 on the router. I would like to have access to it via Windows Explorer operating system Windows 10.

However Windows Explorer doesn't seem to be able to see the folder I have created( Named Test) I am using the following address to trying to access it                                \\\Test.

Does anyone have any idea how I can rectify the situation?

Many thanks


All Replies

  • Rory
    Rory Posts: 120  Ally Member

    Did you enable SMB1.0 support in Win10?

  • dashard
    dashard Posts: 2  Freshman Member
    Hi Rory,

    Many thanks for your reply. After a googling session I had come up with the same conclusion to the issue.

    I am pretty sure SMB1.0 support in Windows 10 after the recent update was going to be the issue. I have not enabled SMB1.0 support as of yet, because I was a little concerned about any potential security issues on my system. And to be honest I only wanted to connect a hard disk to the router to test my LAN speed anyway.

    Will temporarily enable SMB1.0 support just to satisfy my curiosity that this is indeed the issue. Thank you once again for your kindness in replying to my posting.

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