Noob question gs1920-48

Roxx Posts: 2
edited August 2022 in Switch
Just inherited 15 gs1920-48 switches  never seen before never used before.  I can see them all but no idea how to configure them  need the equipment  behind them to have access to the internet where do I start 

I found the utility  but still need to understand  how to configure them to allow traffic 


  • Zyxel_Jonas
    Zyxel_Jonas Posts: 313  Zyxel Employee
    Fifth Anniversary 25 Answers 10 Comments Friend Collector
    Hi @Roxx,

    Welcome to Zyxel Community!
    If the switches were managed by other users before, the configuration might not suitable to deploy in your network environment.
    The first thing to do is connecting the uplink Ethernet cable, and then reset the switch back to factory default settings which is DHCP/VLAN1.
    Reminder: If the environment doesn't have any DHCP server, the switch IP will be (default).

    How to factory default?
    For GS1920v1, please press the brown color button located on the right side of the panel for about 7 seconds or longer.
    For GS1920v2, please press the "RESTORE" button located on the front panel for about 3~7 seconds.

    Assuming that the switch IP is back to, please be ensure that the PC is in the same subnet, so you would be able to access GS1920 via web GUI to configure the switch according to your network environment.

    PS: I saw that you also had posted a similar topic with this one, so I'll delete it by today.

    Hope it helps.