Logon denied and LAN reset on 110, puzzled

hank Posts: 1  Freshman Member
edited April 2021 in Security
Just got my shiny new 110.
- Immediately changed the admin password on first login
- assigned static public IP to WAN1
- changed LAN1 ip range to 10.0.x.x
- logged back in just fine on a new IP.
- opened up primary router/firewall from uverse to let all traffic through (probably my mistake as I noticed later with vpn set up that remote management console was available on WAN port)
- within an hour, i could no longer log in to my Zywall, had to reset it and configure again.

Finished config again, all looked great.
- turned it off
- placed it in the rack
- started it up
- LAN1 IP got magically changed back to
- Could no longer login - logon denied, default admin password didn't work either, a user I created 2nd time around was also not allowed to login with the same error. was it reset?

Anyone has any ideas? Is it possible that it got cracked with all ports open to it so quickly (within an hour)? Are there any known weaknesses on this device that allows some bot to reset it remotely?
Or is it that my zywall is defective?

Thank you!


  • Zyxel_Charlie
    Zyxel_Charlie Posts: 1,034  Zyxel Employee
    50 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
    I want to confirm your issued configuration for checking further, so please private message it to me.
    The USG will not do reset lan1 IP to default by itself, so it's very wired to hear that. Also, is "uverse" a IPTV?