SecureExtender Open SSL Portail with browser Connect Now not work

marciano Posts: 1
edited April 2021 in Security

Station Windows 10 with SecureExtender 4.0.20 installed.  I open my URL SSL portal, select VPN_SSL after to fill in my ID/PAssword, I get the next page where I can click on "Connect now" with information latest version 4.0.20 for windows and current version is empty.

  • When I click on it a second tab in my browser is opened : "https://localhost:996/vpn" and message appear "SecuExtender's certificate is trusted, you can try to connect tunnel again."
  • Return on previously page (current version always empty)  to click again on "Connect now", and again a tab is opened "https://localhost:996/vpn" with message appear "SecuExtender's certificate is trusted, you can try to connect tunnel again."
I can repeat again and again. Since 6 month it's the first time that I get this kind of problem.

I tried to unstall SecureExtender and install it again, I used 4.0.20. I also tried to install lasted version 4.0.40.

If I use directly client SecureExtender to establish my VPN SSL connexion, it's working fine without problem. But I cannot get my connection when I use my WEB browser, by default I'm using Chrome (89.0.4389.82 (Build officiel) (64 bits)) and Opera (74.0.3911.218).

Before it's worked fine without problem, I don't know why now I cannot get the connexion with my WEB Browser. For the workaround I use directly the client "SecureExtender" but it's easier (more friendly) to use WEB browser.

Question : do you know why I cannot establish my VPN with my WEB browser as usual?

Many thanks for your help.

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