Is there any EOL schedule for zywall usg series?


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  • Momo
    Momo Posts: 14  Freshman Member
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    Yes, I know mMontana ... but what to say about it?

    I'm really disappointed with a such EOL annoncement and EOS... impossible to plan a correct IT budget/investiment.
    Personally I found the Zyxel product life cycle like a "Nebula" (jungle), not easy to see the start and the end of the product, I'm speaking especially for the actuals series ATP and Flex products.

    As quick mesure, to be protected starting the end of 2022 and have an long evaluation time, we introduce pfSense and a Squid Proxy as replacement for the USG40W + USG300 (used to protect test zone).

    Not sure if we can still be motivated to go further with Zyxel but it was for sure a great moment with our models: usg20W,usg60,USG40W and USG300 for our HQ and small branch-offices.

    In the meantime I was satisfied with those easy managed products.

    Have a good w-e

  • mMontana
    mMontana Posts: 1,421  Guru Member
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    Let me put in this way.
    NSG series put me in some trouble: I did not want to go that route (only cloud), then i completely missed ATP and VPN series which were confusing to me. Never used payed services until now, VPN could be viable.
    When the flex series arrived, it was quite hefty as price, but.. was the right path. But I missed for at least two customers.
    Zyxel wants/needs more money. And development and patches are not for free. The end of support for older generation can increase the allocation of development capabilities to more recent devices, without the headache and job to "how close that vulnerability without breaking the customers configuration?"
    I'm quite pissed, but i can understand. ZLD 4.x devices are on the market at least since 2016.
  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,644  Guru Member
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    Only my VPN300 will go with support for 2023 I have USG40, USG60, USG60W and a zywall 110 and I'm hoping I can hold off till 10Gb models happen with good throughput.

  • Momo
    Momo Posts: 14  Freshman Member
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    @mMontana : As an IT Specialist I can really understand that "old" technology should die with the time passed. My point is raised about the unclear vision of the product lifecycle.
    ZLD 4.x should stop? Fine but customer need time to prepare the budgets and the DevOps migration plans. This Sommer ZLD 4.x was annonced to stop within some months, it's not a good communication. Fine we go 6 mounths more with one patch... but the future ou ATP/Flex devices is confused, furthermore as you say to remain on promise with the firewall.
    Those are actually our main reasons for us for building pfSense/Squid because lack of time, budget and more impoortant budget (our rules don't allow to use another budget to by a new firewall also if the total ammount is less that 4k).

    @PeterUK : I hope too, we try to make a link-aggregate (LACP, EtherChannel and so on) on our Zyxel Firewalls but is was not a good result. I hope 10Gbps will come on the nexts years, at least to be able to connet the distribution switches direct to the firewall, connecting access switches on 1 Gbps was to heavy  during our try.

    Buona Domenica

  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,644  Guru Member
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    A LAG on Zyxel USG is limited to 1Gb no matter how many ports you use.

  • Momo
    Momo Posts: 14  Freshman Member
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    Thanks Peter, I didn't remember what It did exactly, it was a couple of year in the past.
  • mMontana
    mMontana Posts: 1,421  Guru Member
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    Momo said:
    This summer ZLD 4.x was annonced to stop within some months, it's not a good communication. Fine we go 6 months more with one patch... but the future ou ATP/Flex devices is confused, furthermore as you say to remain on promise with the firewall.
    Those are actually our main reasons for us for building pfSense/Squid because lack of time, budget and more important budget (our rules don't allow to use another budget to by a new firewall also if the total amount is less that 4k).

    on the bald part, I cannot agree more. If Zyxel is willing to compete in medium/large business, the announce timing of "death"  ZLD 4.xx was unacceptable and unprofessional.

    12 months are in my personal opinion the bare minimum lead time, but I have a hunch of some heavy retaliation from partners and sales department due to the existing stock of perfectly good devices that will loose instantaneously sale appeal due to announced end of support. I'm not confident that the next deadline will have any more anticipation of the last one.

    I dont trade/resell zyxel devices, so from 2023 I will contact any seller for buy devices a 30% of the published sale price.

  • Momo
    Momo Posts: 14  Freshman Member
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    mMontana said:

    I dont trade/resell zyxel devices, so from 2023 I will contact any seller for buy devices a 30% of the published sale price.

    Oh, I'm confused... What is the meaning of that, can you explain more please. Grazie M.