I cant link my License to my USG210

CarlosDisint Posts: 1
edited April 2021 in Security
I registered my licence but I can't link to my USG210, can you help me.

All Replies

  • daduggan
    daduggan Posts: 2
    First Comment
    Same here! Device registered and been in use for several years. I'm updating the content LIC, followed the activation but it will not link to the device. I have 3 devices in my portal and one unlinked active LIC. Keeps saying "There is no compatible product." The Licenses sheet has the correct USG40(W) so it should match my USG40 and link them. My time to expire is running out!
  • Zyxel_Can
    Zyxel_Can Posts: 342  Zyxel Employee
    25 Answers First Comment Friend Collector
    edited March 2021

    Hi @daduggan, @CarlosDisint

    Can you share some information with us;


    1-    What’s your firmware version for USG210 and USG40?

    2-    Did you try to upgrade to the latest and link the licenses?

    For that you may login to your myZyxel.com account with your e-mails and passwords.

    Then find the following path;

    Devices Management > Firmware download 

    Extract downloaded file with .zip extension, find the file with .bin extension

    Login device's Web GUI, find Maintenance > Firmware Management > Local Firmware

    Choose downloaded .bin file and click Upload button.

    After Firmware upgrade is done, try to link licenses again.

    3-   If the above step doesn't solve the problem, can you provide screenshot for this error message?


    Best regards.