Correct security policy for multiple intranet zones

zyxelUser2021 Posts: 9
First Comment Second Anniversary
edited April 2021 in Security
I'd like to know, is there a correct (secure) way to control several zones in one policy in USG devices (USG20, for example).

Consider we have the following internal networks, grouped into three intra zones and one WAN zone:

Network              Zone         Purpose       SERVICE      Intranet servers (our server)       SERVICE      Storage devices       OFFICE       Office computers       GUEST        Guest network
x.x.x.x                    WAN          Wan (all traffic via NAT)

We want to allow all intra hosts (i.e. all hosts in SERVICE, OFFICE or GUEST zones) to access a server in SERVICE zone, but make sure no unwanted traffic from WAN gets there.

Because a network cannot belong to several zones, we would need to have several zone-based rules:

Allow    from OFFICE                           to SERVICE destination
Allow    from GUEST                            to SERVICE destination
Allow    from SERVICE                          to SERVICE destination

This can be problematic to maintain if there are large amount of internal networks, zones and individual services to control.

Networks can be grouped, and we could do a similar setup with network-based rule:


Allow    from ANY source INTRANETS_GROUP      to SERVICE destination

This contains a doubt: is this safe? Because we would allow "192.168.x.x from ANY zone", we could unintentionally allow packets originating e.g. also from WAN zone.

There are many ways to prevent this, but what would be the safe setup? We want to be absolutely sure that no unwanted packets enter the intranet zones and separate rules for each zone is not an option.

Assume the WAN side is public internet with no private RFC1918 networks to intentionally communicate with. Rogue packets could have any addresses, even those 192.168.x.x, 10.x.x.x., multicasts etc. Nat is in use.

All Replies

  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,645  Guru Member
    100 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    edited April 2021
    Its safe as OFFICE, GUEST and SERVICE subnets from any zone can only go to

    The only thing I be worried about is you used 
    SERVICE for both and

    The USG20 has fixed zones on untagged interfaces so your LAN1 for a given port can not be changed but you can do VLANs based on that port for a given zone name.                                              
  • Thanks for the reply!
    The SERVICE zone assigned for two networks is intentional exception: it's just an example that classifies two networks in one cagegory (to be able to do policies inside the SERVICE zone).

    But what happens to a rogue packet that arrives from WAN, with source address e.g. and targeting (Normally this shouldn't happen, but let's assume there is a hacking attempt going on). Even if the SERVICE zone server's response would not be able to reach the sender on WAN, the incoming packet could still do harm.

    About the LAN1 zone:
    Do the LAN1 and LAN2 zones include the mentioned (vlan-based) traffic? That would be the optimal solution.
    I mean this scenario:

    LAN1 being the untagged port for:
    • vlan1 (zone SERVICE)
    • vlan2 (zone SERVICE)
    • vlan3 (zone OFFICE)
    • vlan4 (zone GUEST)
    Could this do the trick:
    Allow from LAN1         to SERVICE destination

  • Tried myself: does not work.
  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,645  Guru Member
    100 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    edited April 2021
    The rogue traffic would likely be dropped I would think as the targeting IP is not to the WAN IP.

    But if you did a NAT rule to forward a port to then if on the WAN you have from  source address to WAN IP then the rule 
    Allow    from ANY source INTRANETS_GROUP      to SERVICE destination
    might be allowed?

    What I have done is put a switch upstream to block 
    rfc1918 only allowing 10. for DHCP and
  • Zyxel_Can
    Zyxel_Can Posts: 342  Zyxel Employee
    25 Answers First Comment Friend Collector

    Thank you @PeterUK.


    Hi @zyxelUser2021,



    Apart from PeterUK’s recommendation you can create multiple Security policy rules for each zone.


    The safest way for this setup would be creating Security Policy rules one by one as you mentioned before.