usg40w, wifi, 2 pc, app with postgres sql,too slow

Hi to all, i have an usg40w updated to last firmware, installed with standard configuration, there are two modern pc windows 10 20h2, WIFI connected with static ip, ( no lan cable ), a server and a client, the app is using a postgres sql port for access data from client to server, the queries return data very very slowly, what i have to do to encrease speed ?
If you see data via samba all is working wel.

All Replies

  • lalaland
    lalaland Posts: 91  Ally Member
    First Answer First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary
    When the app is running SQL query to get data from server, does it have ping latency/jitter during the data return? Assume there is no obvious ping latency/jitter during the postgres data return. it would be slow on application.
  • nikko1960
    nikko1960 Posts: 3
    thanks lalaland for your answer, how i have solved the problem ? ( workaround ) for now i disconnect USG40w and using the original router, with its firewall, with that router, all works fine, the query ( the total customers are 1500 and the query return them in a couple of seconds ), with USG40w, the same query take more than 45 seconds.
    Probably USG40w, try to overcontrol the port  5432 and so is slowing the result query.
    But the question is : why USG40w overcontrol the wifi internal connection.
    Do i have to teach USG40w to open that port, and where i have to do this instruction
  • mMontana
    mMontana Posts: 1,415  Guru Member
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    Do have wlan and LAN the same subnet?
  • nikko1960
    nikko1960 Posts: 3
    mMontana, yes but in this situation i need to use only wifi, because we cannot use cables in the office
  • lalaland
    lalaland Posts: 91  Ally Member
    First Answer First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary
    edited May 2021
     How about both client and server wireless card link speed and quality? Is the connection quality/speed good?  Moreover, when the postgres return data, how many date would be transmit for TX and RX in general?

  • mMontana
    mMontana Posts: 1,415  Guru Member
    50 Answers 1000 Comments Friend Collector Fifth Anniversary
    @nikko1960 you are unsatisfied about network performance.
    Therefore, would you share more info about your setup?
    Also: can you access to another Access Point as test?