USG40: Firmware update fail – checksum error

Jaan Posts: 4

trying to update the firmware on a USG40 (v4.62(AALA.0)) to the v4.63 and I'm constantly getting the "Error: Firmware update fail – checksum error, code: 400" (when clicked on firmware update popup and when trying to download firmware to standby partition), with such details in log:
error [fw_url] The target file may be damaged. [FileError-VerifyFW]
I didn't have such issue with this device in the past. Flash usage is 12%, there's no diagnostic files, configuration files are under 1MB total.

I've downloaded firmware package from myZyxel portal, but cannot find a way to confirm its integrity (what I want to do before trying to update manually).

Any clues will be appreciated.

Accepted Solution

  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,595  Guru Member
    100 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Answer ✓
    My USG40 updated fine the hash for 463AALA0C0.bin
    MD5 = 3fd034fb6bcd6a9449cf45625307f265
    SHA1 = 0c1ea6a21d741e0c2469c383d2294cc6d01b0a67

All Replies

  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,595  Guru Member
    100 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Answer ✓
    My USG40 updated fine the hash for 463AALA0C0.bin
    MD5 = 3fd034fb6bcd6a9449cf45625307f265
    SHA1 = 0c1ea6a21d741e0c2469c383d2294cc6d01b0a67
  • Jaan
    Jaan Posts: 4
    I had the same checksums, so i've uploaded firmware to standby partition and rebooted. Two issues occured: Google Authenticator 2FA for admin access were lost (i had to setup 2FA once again) and traffic statistics were turned on by the update.

    Thanks for help.
    (Maybe providing checksums along with firmware files will be good solution in case of such issue in future?)
  • Zyxel_Joslyn
    Zyxel_Joslyn Posts: 360  Zyxel Employee
    25 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
    Hi @Jaan

    We can find the checksum via the official website. However, your suggestion is good to consider about adding the checksum into our firmware file.

    Thanks for your reminding for the 2FA issue. The authenticated accounts should be sync between the running and standby partition.

    About the "Collect Statistics", I cannot reproduce the symptom in my lab. According to your description, the function is off for v4.62, but it turns on after upgrading to v4.63 for all items. Is it correct?

  • Jaan
    Jaan Posts: 4
    Thanks for sharing checksums location, i was looking for them on and missed it on the public site.

    I started to wonder - if 2FA settings are not synced are they persist on partitions where they configured? So next time, when i update standby partition, will it ends with old 2FA settings restored? (and i will not be able to use current second factor, which i set up from the beginning on current running partition?)

    I had "Collect Statistics" (Monitor->System Status->Traffic Statistics) turned off when running v4.62, after update to v4.63 it was turned on. I compared autobackup-4.62.conf with lastgood.conf (after update) and found that line "report" was added to the newer file (gui shows that collecting were turned on since two seconds before lastgood.conf was saved).
  • Jaan
    Jaan Posts: 4
    I've updated today to v4.64, this time without any problem with downloading new firmware directly onto the device.

    Google Authenticator 2FA for admin access settings were kept/synced (i can use second factor which i set up on v4.63 on current standby partition).

    Unfortunately "Collect Statistics" setting has been re-enabled once again after update, like i described before.
  • Zyxel_Joslyn
    Zyxel_Joslyn Posts: 360  Zyxel Employee
    25 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
    Hi @Jaan

    I tested upgrading the firmware from v4.63 to v4.64 and from v4.64 to v4.64, and Google Authenticator 2FA for admin access settings is sync between the firmware partitions. All the admin account with 2FA can login successfully after upgrading the firmware.

    About the "collect statistics", I tried several times to upgrade the firmware to v4.63 or v4.64, and the function was not activated. Can you provide me your v4.62 configuration via private message? I will have a test for it.
