Firmware 4.63 breaks DHCP

splayer7 Posts: 3
Friend Collector
edited June 2021 in Security
After this last weekend's nightmare of a breach that has yet to be recognized by Zyxel, I upgraded the firmware as one of my troubleshooting steps.  Come to find out, 4.63 breaks the DHCP on USG60 at the very least.  I have 2 of them and both of them were having problems until I downgraded back to 4.62.  Does anyone actually test these or do they just push them out and let us find the bugs?

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  • mMontana
    mMontana Posts: 1,421  Guru Member
    50 Answers 1000 Comments Friend Collector Fifth Anniversary
    Hi @splayer7, i manage two USG60 (one simple, one W) and both have updated to 4.63, and they are working quite well.

    I did not had your issues about DHCP server, therefore: may ask you more details about your DHCP Server setup and clients involved into these issues?