Zyxel VPN50 do now showing 1000MB/FULL

vkv Posts: 3
edited August 2021 in Security

model Zyxel VPN50 

Router> show port status
Port    Status      TxPkts    RxPkts    Colli.    TxB/s     RxB/s     Up Time
1       Down        0         0         0         0         0         00:00:00
2       1000M/Full  3737264   8078234   0         10071     33471     00:52:17
3       1000M/Full  2433367   1336667   0         382       719       00:52:17
4       Down        477763    198993    0         0         0         00:00:00
5       1000M/Full  1516961   765206    0         33226     10769     00:52:17
6       Down        3607842   1526174   0         0         0         00:00:00

provider provides 500 Mbps 

speed test showing
kv@dsm-ubuntu:~$ speedtest

   Speedtest by Ookla

     Server: Telecom Center - Moscow (id = 17091)
        ISP: Zao complat-telecom
    Latency:     0.74 ms   (0.30 ms jitter)
   Download:   417.82 Mbps (data used: 520.8 MB)
     Upload:   310.09 Mbps (data used: 139.3 MB)
Packet Loss: Not available.

direct connect to PC (without Zyxel) show more than 500+ Mbps

Why Zyxel do not showing 500Mbps speed


All Replies

  • gb5102
    gb5102 Posts: 25  Freshman Member
    Friend Collector Third Anniversary First Comment
    A couple of suggestions:
    -BWM can add some overhead, you can likely increase performance by disabling BWM if you are not using it.
    -Content filter can also decrease performance, try to disable(if enabled) and see if there is any improvement.

  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,118  Guru Member
    Community MVP 2500 Comments Sixth Anniversary 100 Answers
    The SPI firewall throughput of the VPN50 at 800Mbs does not mean TCP and so if you want to go faster you need bigger model. 
  • vkv
    vkv Posts: 3
    Which model do you recomend ?

  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,118  Guru Member
    Community MVP 2500 Comments Sixth Anniversary 100 Answers
    The VPN300 will do 1Gb TCP

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