USG Flex 200 Security Policy Control

Working from home.  I have a third party firewall that I need to configure.  When I try to download updates, it is unable to connect.  My ZyWall log shows several attempted connections from other countries, and displays Category Security Policy Control, Message Match default rule.  However, the session monitor for that IP only shows outgoing traffic (no incoming traffic) to the DNS address for my company.  I have tried to create an IP exception and the logs now show that this IP is on the exception list, but the unit still cannot connect to the destination to pull down the updates.  This is obviously not an issue when I am in the office.  My questions are two fold.  1. How do I get more details from logs?  2.  How do I unblock this device?  I do not have the immediate option to place on its own port, but if that is an option, will need to be able to connect to it from port1.

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  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,645  Guru Member
    100 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    I'm not sure I follow your problem?

    You want to download the firmware update of the USG Flex 200?