New Flex 500 has a huge CPU usage

Raymond Posts: 19  Freshman Member
First Comment Friend Collector Fifth Anniversary
We migrate from a USG110 (4.33) to a Flex 500 (5.02) via the Zyxel Configuration Convertor tool. Now we are using the new Flex 500 for a week now. Many users in our network complains about the performance of the network. VPN is slow and VOIP is stuttering for example. The CPU usage is over the 50% in idle stage and sometimes about 95% when downloading a file.

Some people complains in the past too after the upgrade of the USG110 from 4.33 to 4.62. When we downgrade the firmware back to 4.33 the performance was a lot better then.

Any suggestions to improve the performance?

All Replies

  • Zyxel_Can
    Zyxel_Can Posts: 342  Zyxel Employee
    25 Answers First Comment Friend Collector

    Hi @Raymond,

    In order to clarify the issue please share some information with us:

    1- Please share your USG FLEX500's startup-config.conf file with me by private message.

    2- Please execute following commands when it's in idle state and when your USG FLEX500's CPU is high share the command output with me by private message:

    Router> debug system ps
    Router> show cpu average
    Router> show cpu all
    Router> show cpu status

    3- When USG FLEX500's CPU is over utilized, please collect diagnostic log under Maintenance > Diagnostics > Collect Now menu, and provide me diagnostic logs by private message.

  • Raymond
    Raymond Posts: 19  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Fifth Anniversary
    I updated the Flex 500 with the Weekly update and now is the CPU usage in idle around the 10%. Much better.