AP WAC5302D Uplink port randomly down and up

Maarten Posts: 7  Freshman Member
First Comment Third Anniversary
edited May 2024 in Wireless

Dear forum members, 

We own several Zyxel AP WAC5302D connected to NXC5500 Controler and seperated SSID's and VLAN's.

I noticed from several days that uplink port randomly goes down and then up after few seconds. Sometimes it happens every hour, or every 20 minutes, or few times a day. When it happens, front LED flashes red. This happens on 10 of 36 AP's.

Obviously, devices connected in Wi-Fi loss internet connection (e.g. VoIP, streaming, online gaming, and so on).
We installed last firmware version (6.10(ABFH.10). 

Can you suggest me something to do?

Thank you in advanced


All Replies

  • Zyxel_Bella
    Zyxel_Bella Posts: 560  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Switch 50 Answers

    Hi @Maarten


    The LED flashes red means the uplink interface is down, it explains the wireless client loss internet connections.

    Would you mind sharing the topology with us if the 10 of 36 APs connecting to the same PoE switch and if any logs related to the switch port status? You can swap the cable or switch that AP is connecting with for a simple test if the interface stays stable or not. Connect a PC to the port on switch that AP is issued with to monitor the internet traffic.

    We’ll need the Diagnostic of the NXC5500 and one of issued APs which you can collect at Maintenance > Diagnostic on NXC5500 to investigate.

    Thank you

