Text in GUI does not display unless highlighted with mouse

_AH_8563 Posts: 1  Freshman Member
Second Anniversary
edited May 2024 in Wireless
Hello I've just updated the Firmware on my Zyxel  NWA1123-AC.
I was hoping thet the Text in The GUI does show up in different color than background color but unfortunately this is not happen after upgrade.
I just can see the text when i mark the area with the mouse.
Is there a setting that i can set the text color?
I'm using firefox on Win10 for acessing the Acess-Point
Help appreciated, thanks in advance
geetings Alex


  • Zyxel_Joslyn
    Zyxel_Joslyn Posts: 360  Zyxel Employee
    25 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
    Hi @_AH_8563

    So far, we don't use other color for the background of Text. Could you provide us some illustrations what kind of the GUI that you prefer? We can have internal discussion if this can be transferred as a feature request.
