VPN100 and NWA5123 download very slow

MassimilianoDelta Posts: 11
First Anniversary First Comment
edited May 21 in Wireless
Hi, I have many problem with VPN100 configuration.
My customer have 35 nwa5123 + 3 WAC6303 connect to VPN100 controller.
When I do speed test my download is 30 Mbps max.
My lan cable speed test download is around 580 Mbps
My internet fiber is 1,0 Gbit synchronous in download/upload.
I removed one single nwa5123 to vpn100 controller and now with that single AP i can to do download 280 Mbps in 5 GHz and 180 in 2,4 GHz. 
The vpn100 is configured:
BWM is off
ADP profile are off
All security policy are off
All security service are off
I have configured only two SSID in two different vlan_1 and vlan_150 ( and all AP very slow )
The single AP nwa5123 removed to vpn100 is configured only two SSID in two different vlan_1 and vlan_150 ( download very fast )
Sonicwall nsa3600 is DHCP server
any tips for me ?

Accepted Solution

  • Zyxel_Bella
    Zyxel_Bella Posts: 483  Zyxel Employee
    First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector First Answer
    Answer ✓

    Hi @MassimilianoDelta


    Throughput usually related to applications, environment and the settings of rate limit.

    Did the test perform while the AP running in managed mode and standalone mode are using same channels and channel width?

    We’ll need your help to collect diagnostic file of VPN100 which includes running-config, firmware version information of controller and APs for us to check. And diagnostic file of standalone AP.

    It will be helpful if the file could be collected right away after test.

    Thank you




All Replies

  • MassimilianoDelta
    VPN100 firmare is V4.39(ABFV.0)
  • Zyxel_Bella
    Zyxel_Bella Posts: 483  Zyxel Employee
    First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector First Answer
    Answer ✓

    Hi @MassimilianoDelta


    Throughput usually related to applications, environment and the settings of rate limit.

    Did the test perform while the AP running in managed mode and standalone mode are using same channels and channel width?

    We’ll need your help to collect diagnostic file of VPN100 which includes running-config, firmware version information of controller and APs for us to check. And diagnostic file of standalone AP.

    It will be helpful if the file could be collected right away after test.

    Thank you




  • MassimilianoDelta
    Hi Bella, thank for your answer,
    for to do speed test I used four different laptop and download are always 30 Mbps near.
    When I try with standalone AP with the same laptop my download are more 200 Mbps ( with my laptop 280 Mbps )
    All AP used channel 1 or 6 or 11 and dcs is on.
    Now i cannot to do diagnostic test ( i will do quickly )
  • MassimilianoDelta
    Hi, I have solved with 5,0 GHz line. Now we can to do download to 280 Mbps ( 2 mt to the AP ).
    Solved 5,0 GHz with "Enable A-MPDU Aggregation" and with "Enable A-MSDU Aggregation"

    Dont solved with 2,4 GHz line. Cannot to work more to 26 Mbps ( 2 mt to the AP ).

  • Zyxel_Bella
    Zyxel_Bella Posts: 483  Zyxel Employee
    First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector First Answer

    Hi @MassimilianoDelta


    How about the channel width of 5Ghz and 2.4Ghz in your setting?

    Since the channel width is related to throughput and performance of 5Ghz is better than 2.4Ghz, it can be explained the result if the 5Ghz is set to 80MHz and 2.4GHz only 20MHz.

    Thank you




  • MassimilianoDelta
    Hi Bella, thank for your answer.
    Radio 2.4GHz 20/40 channel are on in VPN100. DCS is On.
    But now i have another more biggest problem.
    User say me that always cannot to connect to wifi ( "impossible to connect this lan" ) or navigation always go down for few minutes.
    I used two SSID. One to vlan30 e another in vlan100. Sonicwall NSA3600 is DHCP server for wifi and lan cable. I dont have nothing problem with lan cable ( vlan1 e vlan10 )
    I try to have diagnostic collect ap but the answer is "please wait, collecting" for ever. I dont understand if it is correct.
    Thanks Max
  • Zyxel_Bella
    Zyxel_Bella Posts: 483  Zyxel Employee
    First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector First Answer

    Hi @MassimilianoDelta


    From the first post, the SSID was set to vlan1 and valn150, became vlan30 and vlan100 now.

    Have you change the topology? If yes, the corresponding vlan interface settings on DHCP server and switch also need to setup for traffic to pass.




  • MassimilianoDelta
    Sorry I wrong. The vlan situation is:
    vlan1     Lan internal
    vlan20   Lan residenza
    vlan30   wifi internal
    vlan100 wifi residenza
    vlan150 DVR surveillance
  • MassimilianoDelta
    I have the Collect and Collect on AP diagnostic log.
    For send you diagnostic report I must to change its extension name in ".txt".
    I wait you, thanks
  • Zyxel_Bella
    Zyxel_Bella Posts: 483  Zyxel Employee
    First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector First Answer



    The clients connecting on radio 5GHz with weaker RSSI is the reason for poor performance.

    Logs in diagnostic file indicated client associated AP with signal around -7x to -9x dBm.

    Can you describe how far each AP has to cover?

    Thank you


