Block snpm from outside

Dear community,

my service Provider is reporting to me our router has an 
"open simple network management protocol" 

ip address:
source_port: 161
ServiceName: snmp
asn: 3209
TransportProtocol: udp
sysdesc: ZyWALL 110
sysname: zywall-110

They asked to close the port because of possible DDoS-Reflection-Attacks.

I tryed to close it by adding a security policy:

from: WAN
to: Zywall
IPv4 Source: any
IPv4 Destination: any
Service: SNMP_UDP
User: any
Shedule: none:
Action: deny

but this does not take any effect.
Can anybody give me advise how to close the Port? Our System is the ZyWALL 110.

Thanks in advance.

Accepted Solution

  • jasailafan
    jasailafan Posts: 193  Master Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary
    Answer ✓
    Try to disable SNMP or add a rule "deny" in service control.

All Replies

  • jasailafan
    jasailafan Posts: 193  Master Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary
    Answer ✓
    Try to disable SNMP or add a rule "deny" in service control.

  • Try to modify your security police indicated above :

    From : any
    to : WAN
    IPv4 Source: any
    IPv4 Destination: any
    Service: SNMP_UDP
    User: any
    Shedule: none:
    Action: deny

    I Think your router is trying to communicate to the outside (your service provider)