Dual ISP In Firewall


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  • businessuer
    businessuer Posts: 134  Ally Member
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    Hi @businessuer,
    1) Can you explain more about this customised wan trunk? In basic networking theory, a trunk is a layer 2 passing vlan but a wan is a layer 3 interface.
    As mentioned above, Wan trunk is a group of external interface for Load balance and failover in gateway. it works on layer 3. This term in firewall is not something like switch trunk port. 
    2) In the current scenario since I cannot use your customised wan link, that means I have to create a PBR for every single vlan right?
    Yes, it only can create one to one mapping for vlan to wan.

    Is it possible to configure like this instead:
    By default, all vlans go out through WAN1.
    Only a few vlans go out through WAN2.
    Then I dont need to create 1-1 mapping for vlan? 
  • businessuer
    businessuer Posts: 134  Ally Member
    First Comment Friend Collector First Anniversary
    Hi @businessuer,
    1) Can you explain more about this customised wan trunk? In basic networking theory, a trunk is a layer 2 passing vlan but a wan is a layer 3 interface.
    As mentioned above, Wan trunk is a group of external interface for Load balance and failover in gateway. it works on layer 3. This term in firewall is not something like switch trunk port. 
    2) In the current scenario since I cannot use your customised wan link, that means I have to create a PBR for every single vlan right?
    Yes, it only can create one to one mapping for vlan to wan.

    Is it possible to configure like this instead:
    By default, all vlans go out through WAN1.
    Only a few vlans go out through WAN2.
    Then I dont need to create 1-1 mapping for vlan? 
    Hi, I am referring to using the NCC for the below questions:

    Is it possible to configure like this instead:
    By default, all vlans go out through WAN1.
    Only a few vlans go out through WAN2.
    Then I dont need to create 1-1 mapping for vlan? 
  • lalaland
    lalaland Posts: 91  Ally Member
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    External wan interface run in round robin mode. it's unable to set up something like that, you still need to create  1-1 policy route for vlan mapping.
  • businessuer
    businessuer Posts: 134  Ally Member
    First Comment Friend Collector First Anniversary
    lalaland said:
    External wan interface run in round robin mode. it's unable to set up something like that, you still need to create  1-1 policy route for vlan mapping.
    Ok. I understand.
    But what if I want to achieve redundancy.
    For example, normal condition
    vlan a go to wan1.
    vlan b go to wan 2.

    Then if wan 1 go down
    all vlan go to wan 2.

    Then if wan 2 go down
    all vlan go to wan 1.

  • businessuer
    businessuer Posts: 134  Ally Member
    First Comment Friend Collector First Anniversary
    lalaland said:
    External wan interface run in round robin mode. it's unable to set up something like that, you still need to create  1-1 policy route for vlan mapping.
    default is round robin. But can dont put round robin.