ZDL4.70 AAPI.0 - USG210 - SSLVPN disconnect right after connection

OTADMIN Posts: 15  Freshman Member
First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector
edited November 2021 in Security

last night the auto update installed the latest version of the firmware.
This morning the SSLVPN doesn't work anymore.
The users gets disconnected right after connection.

Is there a solution to solve this without rebooting the firewall, or put it back to the old firmware?
We are on the start of our work day, + 100 users are connected to the firewall.
And a lot are working from home due to covid.

Thanks a lot for the tips!!



All Replies

  • mMontana
    mMontana Posts: 1,351  Guru Member
    Community MVP First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector
    Your device should have a double partition, and if managed correctly you should have version 4.65P1 in your "standby" partition.
    OTADMIN Posts: 15  Freshman Member
    First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector
    @mMontana that is correct, but can I activate the standby partition without rebooting the firewall? Never done that before.

  • mMontana
    mMontana Posts: 1,351  Guru Member
    Community MVP First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector
    AFAIK no way. Sometimes 10 minutes of downtime is better than no service at all.
    Ensure yourself that standby partition have the version you need.
    OTADMIN Posts: 15  Freshman Member
    First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector
    Oké, thanks.
    I will wait until this evening to reboot.
    The VPN problem is not big enough to disconnect the internet for that periode.
    Maybe the reboot will solve the problem, otherwise the standby partition will do it.

  • mMontana
    mMontana Posts: 1,351  Guru Member
    Community MVP First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector
    edited November 2021
    I updated today 6 devices. 3 rebooted, 3 pending...
    OTADMIN Posts: 15  Freshman Member
    First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector
    edited November 2021
    Reboot didn't help
    So i changed to 4.65P1, and now it works again.
    Disabled the auto update
    Hope the problem will be fixed in the next update.
  • mMontana
    mMontana Posts: 1,351  Guru Member
    Community MVP First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector
    Sorry to read that. Did you take a read on release notes?
  • Zyxel_Stanley
    Zyxel_Stanley Posts: 1,376  Zyxel Employee
    First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector First Answer
    I have a tested in 4.65P1 firmware, and SSL VPN tunnel seems works without problem.
    I will send you private message for further check this issue directly.  :)

    Share yours now! https://bit.ly/4aO0BMF


  • jonatan
    jonatan Posts: 151  Master Member
    First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector First Answer
    I updated my USG 310 gateway to firmware 4.70, everything is fine with ssl vpn. Users connect without problems.

  • Asgatlat
    Asgatlat Posts: 82  Ally Member
    First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector
    hi everyone.
    is another person had this problem ? i'm affraid to update to 4.70 (i'm on 4.65 P1)

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