Improve SSLVPN Access Security with Geolocations

AHGJSoree Posts: 12  Freshman Member
First Comment Third Anniversary

Recently an update to our Zywall310, ATP500 and for all of our customers' systems started to display a message access was enabled through the WAN interface. Sounds legit because we use the SecuExtender.

I am keen to improve the security and found only three geolocations can be provided. (Both in version firmware 4.70 as well as 5.10) However by selecting i.e. Netherlands I will provide the possibilty to all of The Netherlands. That is not the idea.

So i created a custom host in geolocation Netherlands which ended up to become Netherlands-All. Nice!

But I cannot select it in the trusted geolocations in the SSL VPN Security settings. How can I accomplish this?


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  • MJStar
    MJStar Posts: 37  Freshman Member
    First Answer First Comment Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
    I think you can configure the below settings on the security policy page.