USG40 - Connect console port for CLI

Aleftau Posts: 3
I have a Zyxel USG40.
In web administration console i mistakenly activated "Authenticate Client Certificates "in" System / WWW / service control ", and I can no longer log into the administration interface.
I'm trying to log into the CLI to manually disable this setting, but I don't know how:
- The console port is an ethernet connector and not an RS232 ?
- I connected an Ethernet / RS232 cable and connected with Hyper terminal (115200-8 bits-no parity-1 stop bit-no flowcontrl) but I do not see anything on the console, even when restarting the USG40 ?
However it seems to me that the connection works because when I send a character it seems to answer me with another character?
=> Can you tell me what I can do because I am really stuck!
Thank you,

Best Answers

  • anno_t34
    anno_t34 Posts: 12  Freshman Member
    Friend Collector First Anniversary
    edited 2021 03 Answer ✓
    Here are the serial settings for my zywall:

    Speed: 115200
    Data bits: 8
    Stop bits: 1
    Parity: None
    Flow control: XON/XOF

    After loggin in, if you have the credentials execute:

    configure terminal
    no ip http secure-server auth-client

    Don't close serial connection, but check the Web access. If everything is ok, execute "write" in the console terminal and exit the serial console connection.


    PS: for sure consult the CLI manual for your device and firmware.

  • anno_t34
    anno_t34 Posts: 12  Freshman Member
    Friend Collector First Anniversary
    edited 2021 03 Answer ✓
    Aleftau said:
    Thank's a lot annoying_t34 for your answer.
    Do you know how is this cable broached ?
    You're welcome Aleftaugenichts!

    I don't, but:

    Good luck and regards!

All Replies

  • anno_t34
    anno_t34 Posts: 12  Freshman Member
    Friend Collector First Anniversary
    edited 2021 03 Answer ✓
    Here are the serial settings for my zywall:

    Speed: 115200
    Data bits: 8
    Stop bits: 1
    Parity: None
    Flow control: XON/XOF

    After loggin in, if you have the credentials execute:

    configure terminal
    no ip http secure-server auth-client

    Don't close serial connection, but check the Web access. If everything is ok, execute "write" in the console terminal and exit the serial console connection.


    PS: for sure consult the CLI manual for your device and firmware.

  • Aleftau
    Aleftau Posts: 3
    Thank's a lot annoying_t34 for your answer.
    But it don't work for me : Not possible to connect my terminal (tera term for exemple) to the USG40
    I try with your config but the same (Xon / Xoff or None for flow control)
    I think I have a bad cable RJ45 / RS232 (the port cable is RJ45 on the USG40 !)
    -> But I don't know how to pinout the cable, and don't find documentation about this cable !?
    Do you know how is this cable broached ?

    Best regards,
  • anno_t34
    anno_t34 Posts: 12  Freshman Member
    Friend Collector First Anniversary
    edited 2021 03 Answer ✓
    Aleftau said:
    Thank's a lot annoying_t34 for your answer.
    Do you know how is this cable broached ?
    You're welcome Aleftaugenichts!

    I don't, but:

    Good luck and regards!

  • Aleftau
    Aleftau Posts: 3
    Thank's a lot anno_t34, all is right now !!!
    Best regards