USG Flex 200 VPN Site to Site not connecting

I have 2 sites that I have setup USG Flex 200 in.  Main site is connected with Fiber and the Secondary site is DSL.  The DSL Modem is set to Bridged Mode.  I have the PPPoE in the Flex.  I have a static block for the secondary site and just a single static for the Fiber.  I have setup the VPN tunnel per the instructions online.  I have the secondary set to the first static IP address in the block.  I have matched the encryption level on both sides.  I set the main site pointing to the first static ip address of the secondary site.  When I go to connect the sites it just says dialing and never connects.  Internet works at both sites.  I have rebooted both routers.  I am not sure where to start looking.  I have setup VPN tunnels for another customer and it worked without a problem.

When I do an ip check the main site lists the static ip address.  The secondary site lists the gateway address.  Should I use the gateway on the secondary site in the VPN tunnel or the first static ip from the block?

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  • Nevermind.  I got it working.  I had to use the gateway for the dsl for it to work.