Splashtop and Dual-Wan on USG and ATP series

ChipConnJohn Posts: 44  Freshman Member
Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Security Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Nebula First Comment Fourth Anniversary
Hello all,
I'm having issues across several sites with Splashtop being slow to almost unusable.  This seems to be a recent issue.  Maybe in the last month or two?  There seems to be a common thread in that they are all sites with either a USG or an ATP with the full security bundles running.  Having dual-wan might also be part of the issue, though I'm not sure on that one.  Anyone experienced this and have any ideas how to fix it?

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  • CHS
    CHS Posts: 181  Master Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary
    How about restart Splashtop software on your PC? If it helps the issue may not come from routers.

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