Can I segment a GS1900-24HP switch

Bobsmith Posts: 2  Freshman Member
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edited August 2022 in Switch
My router has several LAN ports and I am using one as the DMZ port. The DMZ is on a separate IP subnet. I would like to eliminate a small switch that I am using to connect DMZ devices and manage the LAN and DMZ on a single switch. The router firewall manages traffic between LAN and DMZ. Can I segment the switch such that I have basically two switches, Ethernet from DMZ port on the router to a group of ports dedicated to DMZ devices on the switch and Ethernet from the LAN port on the router to another group of ports on the switch dedicated to LAN devices 



  • Zyxel_Ryan
    Zyxel_Ryan Posts: 72  Zyxel Employee
    First Answer First Comment Friend Collector
    Hi @Bobsmith

    I assume your topology looks like below. 

    You can actually accomplish your need by VLAN setting on switch. 
    Just configure two VLAN. One is for DMZ, while another is for LAN.
    Then you can logically make one switch become two.


  • Bobsmith
    Bobsmith Posts: 2  Freshman Member
    First Comment
    Thank you.