Reset password

Bilglasgruppen Posts: 2
edited January 2022 in Security
Zyxel USG40
This morning the system asked me to change password.
I changed the password at the login screen, but something must have gone wrong.
After a firewall reboot I can't login any more.
Found a lot of solutions where people connected to the device with a serial cable to reset the password.
This firewall only have an RJ45 Console port, how to I connect to that port with putty ?
Do i need a serial to RJ45 cable or...
Is the console port a network port I can connect to ?
Can't find any info on it online.
I would be very sorry to reset the box totally, cause I don't have a backup of the config file.
Any hints ?

All Replies

  • I have ordered a Console Cable RJ45->USBC cable, hope that do the trick for me.
  • CHS
    CHS Posts: 181  Master Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary
    I did not use Console Cable RJ45->USBC cable before.
    My console able is: USB -> RS232 -> RJ45
    But I guess it is the same.
  • USG_User
    USG_User Posts: 381  Master Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    We are using a RS232 cable + USB adapter.

    In past we experienced this "password reset" issue, too. At that time the USG was not able to use every special character for passwords. We've set a new complex one and were not able to login again. But I guess, this should be solved in the meantime.

    But by the way Bilglasgruppen, there is a saying in IT business: "No backup, no sympathy."
    Please, after your device is running again, save your configuration file. This will save your ass different times. :)