VPN Client internet

jcbais Posts: 1  Freshman Member
Third Anniversary
When I launch vpn client, i have access to the remote network, but i no longer have internet on my comptuer
Here is ma setup 
IKE 1 - 
Adress Client -
Adress remote -
Mask -

do you have an idea ?
Best Regards

All Replies

  • Zyxel_Tobias
    Zyxel_Tobias Posts: 208  Zyxel Employee
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary
    Dear @jcbais

    That could be a lot of different things. The VPN Client has 2 Versions first, also your Subnet with /16 is not small and may overlap with your home subnet.

    To find out better the reason, please log a ticket here: Open Support Case

    Send your .tgb file in so my colleague can test it and find out the issue.

    Please also provide in ticket the Remote Access to your firewall in case we need to adjust routing.

