deauth by Intra Roaming

Schlecker Posts: 2
edited 2024 21 in Wireless
I bought the AP NWA50AX, installation and configuration was relatively simple. Now I have a tablet in my network which regularly drops out and briefly loses the connection. In the AP I get the following message from the client --- "Station: 8C:83:E1:XX:XX:XX has deauth by Intra Roaming on Channel: 48, SSID: Skynet, 5GHz, Signal: -67dBm, Tx/Rx: 24302871/5647521 Bytes. reason 109, Interface: wlan-2-2." --- Unfortunately, I can not do much with it. A search for a solution was unsuccessful. Maybe someone here can explain to me what the problem is.

Accepted Solution

  • Zyxel_Richard
    Zyxel_Richard Posts: 254  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - WLAN Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Nebula Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Security
    Answer ✓
    Hi Sir,

    Glad to see your condition got improved after setting the fixed channel. Let me explain some concerns and clarify some points below, so that everyone can have better understanding to this case:

    1. The original Intra-roaming is the native behavior for each wireless client, they'll compare the signal quality between 2.4GHz and 5GHz radio, and switch to a better one when existing signal quality decreasing. 

    > In our previous experience, frequently Intra-roaming will caused to bad user experience (just like Schlecker said), usually we'll recommended user to decrease the 2.4GHz power to 5 db less than 5GHz radio, (5GHz/2.4GHz = 20/15 dBm for example) so that wireless clients will prone to connect to 5GHz which provides better performance.

    2. All the traffic between AP and Nebula cloud is encrypted with strong enough "TLS connection", so you don't need to worry about the security in setting and managing devices through cloud service!

    3. As Schlecker said, disable the DCS improves the performance. However the Wi-Fi environment isn't remain the same all the time, when the environment changes in the future, you may suffer for bad transmission performance.

    > When DCS is enabled, AP can auto evaluate the quality for each available channels, and switch the best one to use. Although client may have service impact during the evaluating/switching period, this is still a good function which can make AP auto-adapt the environment and make sure good service all the time. We recommend users to schedule the DCS time at 3:00 a.m. where usually no active client existing, so that we can minimize the service impact, and keep good service in the day time.

    Best Regards,

All Replies

  • Zyxel_Tobias
    Zyxel_Tobias Posts: 208  Zyxel Employee
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary
    Hi Schlecker,

    do you have this device in On-Premise or Nebula Mode running?
  • Schlecker
    Schlecker Posts: 2
    I created an account with nebula directly during the setup and did the first configuration. I can manage the AP via nebula and locally. I have the feeling that I should have set up the AP locally via LAN first. That would be better for security.

    In the meantime I switched off DSC and assigned a permanent channel. This has improved the whole thing. I suspect that when scanning the signal was briefly interrupted.

    "...DCS is to select a channel with minimized interference for usage. And DCS will scan 3 times for the initial scan to make sure the result is optimized. Each DCS scan time will be shifted to make sure not all the APs are doing DCS scan at the same time. DCS will not stop Wi-Fi service during scanning. But when the channel changes, Wi-Fi service will be interrupted. When ‘DCS client aware’ is enabled, DCS will ignore the scanning result and not change the channel when there are clients connecting to the radio...."
  • Zyxel_Richard
    Zyxel_Richard Posts: 254  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - WLAN Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Nebula Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Security
    Answer ✓
    Hi Sir,

    Glad to see your condition got improved after setting the fixed channel. Let me explain some concerns and clarify some points below, so that everyone can have better understanding to this case:

    1. The original Intra-roaming is the native behavior for each wireless client, they'll compare the signal quality between 2.4GHz and 5GHz radio, and switch to a better one when existing signal quality decreasing. 

    > In our previous experience, frequently Intra-roaming will caused to bad user experience (just like Schlecker said), usually we'll recommended user to decrease the 2.4GHz power to 5 db less than 5GHz radio, (5GHz/2.4GHz = 20/15 dBm for example) so that wireless clients will prone to connect to 5GHz which provides better performance.

    2. All the traffic between AP and Nebula cloud is encrypted with strong enough "TLS connection", so you don't need to worry about the security in setting and managing devices through cloud service!

    3. As Schlecker said, disable the DCS improves the performance. However the Wi-Fi environment isn't remain the same all the time, when the environment changes in the future, you may suffer for bad transmission performance.

    > When DCS is enabled, AP can auto evaluate the quality for each available channels, and switch the best one to use. Although client may have service impact during the evaluating/switching period, this is still a good function which can make AP auto-adapt the environment and make sure good service all the time. We recommend users to schedule the DCS time at 3:00 a.m. where usually no active client existing, so that we can minimize the service impact, and keep good service in the day time.

    Best Regards,