Using USG Flex 100W on Verizon FIOS. Should Verizon router be removed?

Jim43 Posts: 2
edited February 2022 in Security
I want to be able to manage my own firewall and first thought I would install Zyxel firewall after Verizon's. Should I just take Verizon router out of the loop and plug USG Flex 100W directly into the Verizon ONT? And will this entail a conversation with Verizon?

All Replies

  • mMontana
    mMontana Posts: 1,421  Guru Member
    50 Answers 1000 Comments Friend Collector Fifth Anniversary
    edited February 2022
    Jim43 said:
    And will this entail a conversation with Verizon?
    IMVHO if you're willing to remove the router, the conversation with Verizon should start before removing the device or configuring the USG Flex 100W to replace it.
  • Jim43
    Jim43 Posts: 2
    Thanks mMontana. Good advice.