NWA 1123AC - Unregistring the product

Stfn Posts: 3
edited May 21 in Wireless

I the Lecturer at a Vocational Scholl in Denmark and we bought 10 AP's for educational purposes. Former students have registered 3 of this AP's and how do I unregister the AP's again and release them from ZyXEL cloud solution?

BR Steffen

Accepted Solution

  • Zyxel_Silvia
    Zyxel_Silvia Posts: 77  Zyxel Employee
    Friend Collector First Answer
    edited March 2022 Answer ✓
    Hi @Stfn,


    We suggest you use adapter for AP power supply,

    isolate this AP without network,

    press reset button on the AP about 10 second until LED light change.

    When you find AP broadcast default SSID Zyxel_XXXX, (XXXX is the last 4 charater of this AP.)

    You may connect your computer to the default SSID, (Or you may use cable connect to AP LAN port) and use ZON to scan the zyxel devices in the same network.


    For more ZON introduction, please refer:



    when you find the AP on the ZON list, you may select this AP and click the Web GUI.

    The default password of AP is admin/1234.


    If you want to add this AP in another new organization, you may use Nebula APP to scan the QR code in the welcome page.



    the default IP of AP is

    if your AP isn’t isolate in the network, it might get IP from the gateway/firewall DHCP server. Use ZON to check the IP of AP or you may check on gateway/firewall DHCP table.


    If you can’t reach, that might because your computer doesn’t get IP correct, you may go to  Network connection

    right click on the ethernet icon and choose "properties",

    select internet protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and click "properties',

    assign your computer IP same subnet with the AP
    IP of AP:
    IP of computer: /24)

    Thank you.


All Replies

  • Zyxel_Silvia
    Zyxel_Silvia Posts: 77  Zyxel Employee
    Friend Collector First Answer
    Hi @Stfn ,

    You may go to Organization-wide>Configure>License & inventory,

    Choose the device that you want to remove from Nebula organization,

    when device remove from organization, it will received the command and AP will reset to default.


    If AP doesn't reset to default completely,
    you may press the reset button on the AP about 10 seconds.
    if you have further questions, please feel free to discuss with us.
    Thank you.

  • Stfn
    Stfn Posts: 3
    Hi Silva, Thank you for the reply - Maybe I forgot to mention - When the students build the setup they create a company (fictional) and the registration are just for the students that year... And I have no idea who set the cloud up that year... and in what fictional company? 
  • Zyxel_Silvia
    Zyxel_Silvia Posts: 77  Zyxel Employee
    Friend Collector First Answer
    edited March 2022 Answer ✓
    Hi @Stfn,


    We suggest you use adapter for AP power supply,

    isolate this AP without network,

    press reset button on the AP about 10 second until LED light change.

    When you find AP broadcast default SSID Zyxel_XXXX, (XXXX is the last 4 charater of this AP.)

    You may connect your computer to the default SSID, (Or you may use cable connect to AP LAN port) and use ZON to scan the zyxel devices in the same network.


    For more ZON introduction, please refer:



    when you find the AP on the ZON list, you may select this AP and click the Web GUI.

    The default password of AP is admin/1234.


    If you want to add this AP in another new organization, you may use Nebula APP to scan the QR code in the welcome page.



    the default IP of AP is

    if your AP isn’t isolate in the network, it might get IP from the gateway/firewall DHCP server. Use ZON to check the IP of AP or you may check on gateway/firewall DHCP table.


    If you can’t reach, that might because your computer doesn’t get IP correct, you may go to  Network connection

    right click on the ethernet icon and choose "properties",

    select internet protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and click "properties',

    assign your computer IP same subnet with the AP
    IP of AP:
    IP of computer: /24)

    Thank you.

  • Stfn
    Stfn Posts: 3
    Excellent - it works :)