Flex 200 ZTP mode not available

iKP Posts: 12
Dear Zyxel!

I previously registered the firewall with the nebula mobile app.
Now local mode is running and everything is fine, but if I want to register in Nebula I can't set up ZTP.

You could cancel the previous registration so I can start again.


All Replies

  • iKP
    iKP Posts: 12

  • Zyxel_Jeff
    Zyxel_Jeff Posts: 1,286  Zyxel Employee
    100 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary

    Hi @iKP

     Which device you would like to adjust to Nebula mode? Can you provide the SN number and mac address to us via private message?

    BTW, can you enable “Invite Zyxel support as administrator” for us? We would like to check your organization and site status. 

    See how you've made an impact in Zyxel Community this year! https://bit.ly/Your2024Moments_Community