AP AC500

IT_Field_Support Posts: 97  Ally Member
Fourth Anniversary Friend Collector First Comment
edited May 21 in Wireless
I have a new AP, Zyxel AC500 just coming out of the box. As usual we connect this AP on our network so it can automaticly discover our USG40w router and automaticly join the AP fleet. But this time not working.
On another brand new AC500 with the same issue we noticed a broacasted wifi called Zyxel_xxxx. On that second AP we were able to join that wifi and after setting up a fix IP on the laptop network we were able to access the webpage of the AP on After that we saw that the AP was on Nebula mode which is a first. Usualy AP are factory setup with standalone mode with acc discovery enabled.

So it was okay with this second AP, after switching to standalone mode it is working normaly with our router.

Regarding the first AP, it's impossible to see the Zyxel_xxxx wifi to change the setting. We tried I think one hundred factory reset, pushing the reset button more than 10 second. each time the router get back to orange and green blinking.

I tried to connect with lan port but I can't get anything. Sometime I see that the router get the IP which is very strange but it does not last long. After a few minute the lan interface go down.

It's really frustating as I am in a fare remote location and that we do not have any spare AP. We really need to make this one working.
Please need some support.

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