Can I use the (USG20-VPN) as a Firewall Only between my Cable Modem and my Router?

I am in the process of purchasing an (USG20-VPN) but I must know first if it an be used as a Firewall only between my Cable Modem and my Router.

All Replies

  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,645  Guru Member
    100 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    edited April 2022

    Well it meant to be used with your modem so sure it will work keep in mind the USG20-VPN might not get more then 200Mb or less TCP speed from it. With the router you have does it do NAT? Was you hoping to firewall devices from the router? can NAT be disabled on that router or  can be used as AP by not using the WAN port.

  • Zyxel_Jeff
    Zyxel_Jeff Posts: 1,311  Zyxel Employee
    100 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
    edited May 2022

    Welcome to Zyxel community.
    It should be OK. But if you would like to deploy the more powerful UTM service in your environment, you could consider our USG Flex100 model.