Full 2.5Gb Ethernet firewall lineup. With 802.11AX.

mMontana Posts: 1,351  Guru Member
Community MVP First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector
edited July 2 in Security Ideas
With cheap models.
Versions without bundles also.
4 votes

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  • dkyeager
    dkyeager Posts: 71  Ally Member
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    1Gbps ports are a clear limitation when we already have 5Gbps to the home with AT&T Fiber and other ISPs, with projections of more 10Gbps connection in the immediate future.  Also expected to be able to aggregate (LAG) these for maximum throughput and redundancy.
  • Omnia
    Omnia Posts: 42  Freshman Member
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  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,020 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    The LAG on Zyxel current design with say two ports is limited rate as one port.

    I would also expect the SPI to be a min of 2600Mbps