[ATP/FLEX] How to Set Up IP Exception on Nebula

Zyxel_Jeff Posts: 1,285  Zyxel Employee
100 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
edited June 2023 in Security Service
Nebula Control Center provides the IP Exception that can allow some specific hosts to bypass security services. You can create IP Exception profiles in the security service path on the Nebula and this article will guide you how to deploy it.

Configuration steps

1. Navigate to Configure > Firewall > Security Service, click +Add to edit IP Exception profile, and enter Source IP, Destination IP, and Description.

Test Result

Create a security policy with Content Filter to block the IP range to browse the Search Engines that include www.google.com .

Create an IP Exception profile to allow the host to bypass security services.

The host with an IP address of

The host bypass the Content Filter and browse www.google.com without problems. 

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