Question about failover\dual WAN

CRP0499 Posts: 16  Freshman Member
First Comment Fourth Anniversary
I have a USG110 with dual inbound WAN.  The setup is I have two strands of fiber coming in, one from a Northbound loop and one from a Southbound loop.  Obviously, I'm setting up for redundancy so that if one feed dies, I'm good on the second loop.

So, I set up a WAN trunk, added my two WAN ports to it and set it to default.  I also did all of this remotely and I stayed connected.  I never dropped connectivity for the rest of the night.

Then, oddly enough, the primary loop went down.  After that, I was never able to get connected remotely again.  I had to go onsite, power cycle the router, and everything came back up.  I'm going with the failover failed and didn't fail back, but I wanted someone to chime in and tell me what they think.  

Also, I have some NAT rules in the router.  For example, port 443 comes in on WAN1 and redirects to my IIS secure server.  

After I added the WAN Trunk, I "expected" to alter my NAT rules and redirect all inbound from the WAN Trunk to my respective servers, and I do not see that.  What's the point in having a failover internet connection if I can't alter my NAT rules and DNS to make that happen.

Thanks for your help.

Accepted Solution

  • valerio_vanni
    valerio_vanni Posts: 138  Ally Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Third Anniversary
    Answer ✓
    You should create NAT rules both for WAN1 and WAN2.
    So, 443 will be redirected in both cases.

All Replies

  • valerio_vanni
    valerio_vanni Posts: 138  Ally Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Third Anniversary
    Answer ✓
    You should create NAT rules both for WAN1 and WAN2.
    So, 443 will be redirected in both cases.

  • CRP0499
    CRP0499 Posts: 16  Freshman Member
    First Comment Fourth Anniversary
    This angers me.  Thanks though.  I figured as much.