Spanish College Residence Optimizes Learning Experience with Faster, Securer Network

Zyxel_May Posts: 180  Zyxel Employee
First Comment Fourth Anniversary
edited October 2022 in Success Stories

CMU Marqués de la Ensenada

“We needed higher internet speeds to deal with the increasing number of connected devices. Thanks to Zyxel and our partner Infotecnika IDS, we were able to design and deploy a WiFi network precisely suited to the requirements of our residence and our residents.”

Enrique Romero Dengra
General Director
CMU Marqués de la Ensenada
With a surging number of students who need multiple devices connected to the web at the same time, the CMU Marqués de la Ensenada was in urgent need of a solution to strengthen its network capacity. Its system integrator, Infotecnika IDS, knew WiFi 6 could deliver the performance required. But the project didn’t end with bigger speeds and bandwidth. The residence also prioritized a security solution that could protect its students and should be easy to manage and affordable to deploy. This would be in stark contrast to its existing security setup with a complex interface, limited analysis and reporting options, and costly infrastructure development. Given the client’s criteria, the school’s system integrator recommended Zyxel solutions to get the job done. After deploying Zyxel’s APs, firewalls, and switches, residents now have no technological limitation on their learning, with much higher speeds than conventional WiFi networks. In addition, the residence is able to easily manage all AP-connected devices, reducing latency in connections and achieving better coverage to significantly improve the quality of videoconferences and avoid audio and video dropouts. Likewise, it has achieved advanced network security and guaranteed strong password protection to secure all connections and keep student data safe.

  • Insufficient capacity to support the increasing number of students who need to connect multiple devices online 
  • Complex network administration management and unintuitive interface causing headaches for staff 
  • Unsatisfactory wireless security, with complicated management, little analysis and reporting capacity, and costly deployment

  • Greatly improved connection speeds and lower latency compared to the conventional WiFi 
  • Higher network security and password protection thanks to the encryption system 
  • High-quality videoconferences without lag or dropouts 
  • Easier and more responsive network management, saving time and labor

Products used
ATP700 ATP Firewall
GS1920 Series Smart Managed Switch
WAX650S / WAX510D 

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