WAP6807 extender and DX3301 router

Jack74 Posts: 1
edited May 21 in Wireless
Can I use the WAP6807 extender with my DX3301 router?
Are they compatible with the EasyMesh / Mpro Mesh system.
I need to extend my WiFi signal and I have the DX3301 but I'm not sure that they can work together as mesh WiFi. I already know that the WAP6807 is not a WiFi 6 but is it not so important right now for me.


All Replies

  • YeK
    YeK Posts: 150  Master Member
    Sixth Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector

    Yes, you can use WAP6807 as an extender that connects to DX3301 but it is not Mesh solution.

    In Zyxel Mesh, we use DX3301+WX3100 and VMG8825-T50K+WAP6807. It means WAP6807 and DX3301 are not compatible for our Mesh system.