SW-GS1920 Poe's Port Can't be Powered?

wtc1967 Posts: 4
Dear all:
Because our switch has set the poe schedule, Is it possible that the port cannot be powered due to the maintenance of nCC website? 
Today we encountered that due to the maintenance of the nCC website, the port of the GS1920 connected to the WAX510D could not be powered, causing the AP to be abnormal. How to solve this problem?Thank you for your reply. 
                                                                                               Best Regards

All Replies

  • Zyxel_Melen
    Zyxel_Melen Posts: 2,701  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Nebula Zyxel Certified Sales Associate
    edited August 2022
    Hi @wtc1967,

    Could you enable Zyxel support and provide the organization/site name for me to check if the switch had powered up the port correctly or not?
    Please go to Help > Support Request > Zyxel support access to enable and save.

    And if the AP does not power up in your scheduled time, you could go to the switch port setting to disable/enable the PoE function of this port so the switch can provide power again.
    Zyxel Melen