NWA210AX Blinks amber for 1 second and green for 1 second alternatively

Hoffman988 Posts: 4
First Comment
edited May 21 in Wireless
Yesterday evening setup my new NWA210AX. This morning worked and the suddenly start to blink amber/green. 

"The Zyxel Device is booting up or is connecting with NCC."

I have tried:
  • Different cat cables
  • Different Lan -ports on my switch
  • Boot all devices
  • Tried external power supply 
  • Reset button
Firmware V6.40(ABTD.6)

Don't know that to do next?

All Replies

  • mMontana
    mMontana Posts: 1,351  Guru Member
    Community MVP First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector
    Does the AP have a Gateway and a DNS server setup?
  • Zyxel_Jay
    Zyxel_Jay Posts: 227  Zyxel Employee
    First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector First Answer
    Hi @ Hoffman988

    You can refer to this article first.

    [Nebula] What to do if the AP is offline?

    Noted: Your AP has reset once, so you can try the default password 1234 or your Nebula password first. (The path is in the article). 
    If you have a gateway in your network topology, please notice that don’t block the port 4335 and 6667

    Please provide us the AP diag info if you can't still connect to Nebula. Let us check the AP information.

  • Hoffman988
    My configure is follow,

    I have tried to connect the access point straight to router and fiber but same result.
    Laptop works everywhere via Ethernet.
  • Hoffman988
    Zyxel_Jay said:
    Hi @ Hoffman988

    You can refer to this article first.

    [Nebula] What to do if the AP is offline?

    Noted: Your AP has reset once, so you can try the default password 1234 or your Nebula password first. (The path is in the article). 
    If you have a gateway in your network topology, please notice that don’t block the port 4335 and 6667

    Please provide us the AP diag info if you can't still connect to Nebula. Let us check the AP information.


    ZON does not find the device. 

  • Zyxel_Jay
    Zyxel_Jay Posts: 227  Zyxel Employee
    First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector First Answer
    We’ve seen your topology. Because we can determine from the light signal blinking amber/green that there are two situations. 
    First, you can check your POE Switch if it supports AT mode Power. If it doesn’t support, it affects your AP service.
    Second, do you have any VLAN settings? And what do you set up on the AP LAN IP page on Nebula in the below path?(Access point>Monitor>Access point>NWA210AX)

    If your IP setting is wrong, the AP gets the setting on Nebula and it can’t successfully online.

    Please help us check this setting or you can turn on Zyxel Support. ( You can refer to the article in the hyperlink). And PM us org/site name. We will check your AP setting on Nebula.


  • Hoffman988
    I purchase a new router.

    When i check router log there is no IP request from Zyxel. When i connect/power on Zyxel there is no log entry on router, nothing.

    Then i discover that when i connect Zyxel to switch or fiber there is no link. Data led don´t even blink. Power on, power off, PoE or power supply nothing. 

    I believe the AC is dead or stuck some home.

  • Zyxel_Jay
    Zyxel_Jay Posts: 227  Zyxel Employee
    First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector First Answer
    edited September 2022
    Hi @ Hoffman988

    As per the picture you provide, the NWA210AX doesn't send the data to any device.
    The NWA210AX is abnornal, please help us RMA this AP. 
    Here is our RMA information. Thank for your help.
