Negative effect from using "Geo IP" ?

Username_is_reserved Posts: 107  Ally Member
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Another Question are someone here see and negative effect from using "Geo IP" to block all Traffic outside of your Region?
I only allow Traffic from Europe where I life since I travel around and want use an VPN on my Phone to connect and allow other People to use my Server Data for there Project. Outgoing Traffic I would never Geo Block since this Days with all the CDN and Crappy other stuff the Website Operator use by blocking Traffic to the US for example can make an European Site useless since the use maybe some Plugins who download Traffic from the US...

All Replies

  • Username_is_reserved
    Username_is_reserved Posts: 107  Ally Member
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    Well VoIP come in mind who maybe not work anymore when someone call from outside of the Area.
    Beside of that maybe someone here could say that the Feature create a problem for them and what the solution was for the Person. I am interested hear other opinion.
  • lalaland
    lalaland Posts: 91  Ally Member
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    It may need to strike a balance between convenience and security. 
    Not sure if phone system have ACL to allow or block phone call from specific region.
  • mMontana
    mMontana Posts: 1,421  Guru Member
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    @Username_is_reserved even if your IP PBX is inside your network, VOIP/SIP traffic is between your PBX and your phone number provider, which is the same for every phone call source.
  • Username_is_reserved
    Username_is_reserved Posts: 107  Ally Member
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    Hmm what I tought the ISP, VoIP Provider give my IP to the other Party who directly connect to my Phone. Thats why VoIP is mostly free.
  • mMontana
    mMontana Posts: 1,421  Guru Member
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    Hmm what I tought the ISP, VoIP Provider give my IP to the other Party who directly connect to my Phone.
    I wrote what I know, but I'm not your ISP nor your VOIP provider. And "termination" of the call is still VOIP provider dependant, not PBX dependant.
    If you wish to have better sourced infos, ask direcly to your providers, please.