Custom Web Portal issue

MirkoW Posts: 10  Freshman Member
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edited April 2021 in Security
i use a corporate design for guest login via custom web portal.
after enter login credentials, page style switches to default style with text "you are logged in" . same happend if wrong login credetials is used.
How can i change the login dialogue completly?

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  • Zyxel_Joslyn
    Zyxel_Joslyn Posts: 360  Zyxel Employee
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    Hi @MirkoW

    After customizing the captive portal, did you add a policy rule for it?

    Add your customize captive portal in "Custom Captive Portal"
    Then, go to the "Redirect on Controller" and add a policy rule. Choose the "Portal Theme" as you customized in "Custom Captive Portal".
    Please let me know if it helps.

  • MirkoW
    MirkoW Posts: 10  Freshman Member
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    i use a UAG2100.
    Some design settings are under System > WWW. There i can't use a corporate design. Only text and colors are possible to change.

    Regards, Mirko

  • Zyxel_Joslyn
    Zyxel_Joslyn Posts: 360  Zyxel Employee
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    Hi @MirkoW

    Since this discussion topic is related UAG series, here is WLAN enterprise products area.
    I will help to move this to the UAG series. We will have another team member to reply your question.

  • Zyxel_Stanley
    Zyxel_Stanley Posts: 1,378  Zyxel Employee
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    Hi @MirkoW

    If you would like to change the Web Portal, you can go to Configuration > Web Authentication function to change Web Portal as you wish.

    1. In Custom Web Portal File, there is a default Web portal file. You can download the default web portal, and modify xxx.html file, and then upload to UAG again.

    2. Create a Authentication Type for customized web portal

    3. Apply the Authentication type to web authentication rule.

  • MirkoW
    MirkoW Posts: 10  Freshman Member
    First Comment
    Hello Stanley,

    this is what i try, but after logging in or using wrong credentials, i get another page with default style.
    This sites can be modified under System > WWW > Login page tab
    (i use the german interface so i'm not sure if it is the correct name)

    It is not able to use own style for this pages. 
  • Zyxel_Stanley
    Zyxel_Stanley Posts: 1,378  Zyxel Employee
    100 Answers 1000 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    edited August 2018

    Hi MirlkoW

    The customize page is only displaying when your page is redirected to login page.

    If you enter IP of UAG, it will only shows default login page.


    e.g. When user is connect to UAG and not authentication yet. (WebAuthentication is enabled)

    And accessing to, it will redirect to customize page.

  • MirkoW
    MirkoW Posts: 10  Freshman Member
    First Comment
    windows 10 opens Edge and showing login site automatically after access to wlan. After logging in, results will shown in default style.
    Now i use the default style with own logo and color styles.
    This ticket can be close.

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