[Tips & Tricks] See how Zyxel can level up your IoT Security

zyxel_Lin Posts: 73  Zyxel Employee
Friend Collector Third Anniversary
edited December 2022 in Security Highlight

What is IoT Security?

IoT Security is protection of the Internet of things and the network they’re in from threats. It also monitors risks all while helping avoid vulnerabilities in the devices that would cause security risks to your business.

Security Risks to Your IoT Network

We know the benefits and value IoT devices provide, but we must realize that they are also vulnerable to cyberattacks. According to security researchers, as many as 57% of IoT devices may be vulnerable to medium or high severity attacks.

As more and more of our users build out their digital nomad lifestyle in business and IoT security, it is also more challenging than ever before, even in homes with connected kitchen gadgets, security monitoring systems, and drones. All of these applications need to comply with the network security policies of the organization/home and their devices.

 How Zyxel Firewalls Can Help?

IoT solutions must focus on network security with Zero-Trust principles, including access control management. Whether in SMB(s), enterprise, hospitality, industrial, etc. to meet today's IoT information security requirements, Zyxel ensures IT administrators can:

1.       Recognize what IoT devices are being deployed by seeing the device and the kind of network it is uses or runs on.

2.       Manage access to your network, including what devices are connecting and the segment of the network IoT devices can access.

3.       Real-time monitoring, reporting, and delivering alerts to organizations to ensure access stays consistent and the devices doesn’t become compromised.