Issues with SSL VPN, disconnect after a few minutes

mlaur47 Posts: 2
Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Security
Hello everyone,
I have an issue with my USG FLEX 200. I've setup the SSL VPN, everything works fine when I'm connected with secuextender.
But after a few minutes, I get disconnected, here is the logs after the few minutes when it starts to go wrong :

[ 2022/12/28 16:01:20 ][SecuExtender Helper] Request(98): REMOVE 2869012672/2927758932 6 224700608 29927616
[ 2022/12/28 16:01:20 ][SecuExtender Helper] Remove Routing
[ 2022/12/28 16:01:20 ][SecuExtender Helper] Remove prioritize routing
[ 2022/12/28 16:01:20 ][SecuExtender Helper] Succeed to delete prioritize route to *PUBLIC_IP*
[ 2022/12/28 16:01:20 ][SecuExtender Helper] Get netsh path = powershell
[ 2022/12/28 16:01:20 ][SecuExtender Helper] Set-NetIPInterface -InterfaceAlias "Ethernet" -InterfaceMetric 30
[ 2022/12/28 16:01:20 ][SecuExtender Helper] ZyShellExecute start.
[ 2022/12/28 16:01:23 ][SecuExtender Helper] ZyShellExecute WaitForSingleObject() result = 0
[ 2022/12/28 16:01:23 ][SecuExtender Helper] GetExitCodeProcess
[ 2022/12/28 16:01:23 ][SecuExtender Helper] lpszFile = powershell, lpszParam = Set-NetIPInterface -InterfaceAlias "Ethernet" -InterfaceMetric 30, dwExitCode = 0, dwError = 0
[ 2022/12/28 16:01:23 ][SecuExtender Helper] Failed to read from client(2): 109, 0
[ 2022/12/28 16:01:23 ][SecuExtender Helper] Start to Disconnect pipe...
[ 2022/12/28 16:01:23 ][SecuExtender Helper] Shutting down a pipe connection instance...
[ 2022/12/28 16:01:23 ][SecuExtender Helper] ==============================

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