Options to extend log numbers?

mat17 Posts: 45  Freshman Member
10 Comments Fourth Anniversary Friend Collector
Hello support,

Just wondering if we are able to configure the log number entries in a USG FLEX unit? (a 200 one).
For now, my logs are rotated twice, sometimes three times a day, and it's difficult to investigate an event.
My logs are emailed, and send to a syslog server too, but:
- it's not comfortable when you have multiple emails to browse
- for now, I have a problem in the generated syslog format received by my syslog server
Thanks for your answer

Accepted Solution

  • StefanZ
    StefanZ Posts: 200  Master Member
    Community MVP 100 Comments First Anniversary First Answer
    Answer ✓

    Things you can do:

    • Set logging for rules like the “default rule” to "none", so that not every dropped connection attempt gets logged.
    • Change the logging levels so only important stuff gets logged (quite limited option tho)
    • USE USB for log storage (which of cause isn't convenient to grab daily, it's more of an insurance)
    • Use a Syslog logging server like Graylog

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