WiFi Problem

kaine Posts: 5  Freshman Member
First Comment
edited April 2021 in Security

recently I have some problem with the Wireless of our ZYXUSG-60W.

When we try to access WiFi our devices is always disconnected and the log of USG 60 shows:

Wireless LAN - Station has associated. Interface:wlan-1-1: Station: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
Wireless LAN - Station has deauth. reason 3, event by STA Leave(L2UPFrame). Interface:wlan-1-1: Station: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX -  IEEE 802.11

Any suggestions regarding the fact that USG deauth our device?

Thank you


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All Replies

  • sk8erbender
    sk8erbender Posts: 74  Ally Member
    Second Anniversary Friend Collector First Comment

    This symptom looks similar to the one we’ve discussed in another thread. 
    I will send you firmware by private message.
    Can I also get it?
  • n4cr2k
    n4cr2k Posts: 10
    First Comment First Anniversary
    edited October 2021
    post removed. Mods, feel free to delete.

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