Central Management of devices

Quality_Drive_Away Posts: 14  Freshman Member
First Comment Friend Collector First Anniversary
edited 2022 26 in Switch
I have several Zyxel POE+ switches, access points, and USG firewalls throughout the country.  I am looking for an easier way to configure all of them from a single console to some degree, does Zyxel offer anything like this?  They claim this "ZON Utility" can do so much, but I cannot get it to scan outside of one network, which defeats the purpose to me.  I have multiple subnets throughout the country, all with IPsec VPN tunnels connecting the devices together.  Is there not one product that you offer which can scan all connected devices across the VPN tunnels to allow me diagnostic information? 

Any advice would be helpful!

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  • Zyxel_JonasTan
    Zyxel_JonasTan Posts: 98  Zyxel Employee
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary

    Welcome to the Zyxel Community!

    Zyxel ZON utility is for local network environment and same subnet usage only.
    Based on your requirements, you'll be needing a remote managing network.
    I'll suggest installing CNC/CNA product to achieve your goal.
    With CNC/CNA it will be easier to manage all of your Zyxel device like:
    1. Remote accessing to the end devices to configure manually.
    2. View the current status of the device.
    3. Arranging a schedule to upgrade the firmware version.
    4. Even daily backup of the configuration can be scheduled also.
    5. The most important thing is beside managing your devices, it could also support you to monitor all of the end devices and sends a notification mail to inform you what is going on in your network environment.
    6. CNC/CNA does support monitoring third-party device. (Status only)

    Please refer to this link for the specific detail of application note for CNC/CNA.

    In addition, you may also refer to this link for our new product Zyxel Nebula, it includes our 3 product line Nebula Security Gateway, Nebula Switch and Nebula Access-point. All centralized to Nebula Cloud to manage and monitor all of the devices.

    Hope it helps.