Zyxel Launches Astra Endpoint Security to Protect Hybrid SMBs

Zyxel_Stanley Posts: 1,386  Zyxel Employee
100 Answers 1000 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
edited January 2023 in Security

As the boom in flexible working practices enables employees to connect and collaborate from anywhere, SMBs need to support more roaming users and additional devices that need to connect to branch offices and cloud-based apps. We have released the official cloud-based endpoint security service-Zyxel Astra, providing you a protective bubble to roaming employees with the ability to monitor and secure all endpoints through one portal.


Extend Endpoints Protection on All Your Platforms

Astra is now supported across all major operating systems including iOS, Android, Mac, Windows (Q2, 2023) to protect your endpoints on all platforms.

Help your team achieve both security and efficiency without the technical complexities.


Join the Astra service for a FREE TRIAL now through Astra Portal

and get started with app: App Store & Google Play


The license service is now also available to purchase!