USG Flex 700 - Password change recommendation window - cannot be disabled

USG_User Posts: 387  Master Member
5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
edited January 2023 in Security
We're just commissioning our new USG Flex 700 (v5.35 ABWD.0), taking-over all settings from our USG110. Lot of typing work since a converter from USG110 to USG Flex 700 is not available. But anyway, this is not the problem.

On each login the USG Flex is showing a password change recommendation window which contains a drop-down handle where you could chose:
Show this window "every time" or "never".
And we always select "never", followed by OK button. But then the following error occurs very shortly:
"Wrong CLI command, device timeout or device logout"
And at the next login the same PW change note comes again.

BTW, after that login game the USG Flex is showing the dashboard and we could make our inputs without any other issues.
The password change option in User > Settings is disabled.

All Replies

  • USG_User
    USG_User Posts: 387  Master Member
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    Finally I've changed the Admin password again after carrying out the firmware update. This let the error message gone.
    Nevertheless this error is still there and I assume it will be re-occur at the next FW update, irrespective whether I set this PW change reminder to "never" ask me again.
  • Zyxel_Jeff
    Zyxel_Jeff Posts: 1,311  Zyxel Employee
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    Dear @USG_User

    Thank you for choosing our USG Flex 700 product. May I know which previous firmware version the USG Flex 700 used? (I mean the one is before V 5.35.) 

    On each login the USG Flex is showing a password change recommendation window which contains a drop-down handle where you could chose:
    Show this window "every time" or "never".
    And we always select "never", followed by OK button. But then the following error occurs very shortly:
    "Wrong CLI command, device timeout or device logout"
    And at the next login the same PW change note comes again.

    Could you share screenshots of the whole login flow with us( Just as in quoted message that you mentioned. )? Does there any error messages that appear on the Monitor Logs?

  • USG_User
    USG_User Posts: 387  Master Member
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    edited January 2023
    Hi Jeff,

    after first start-up we updated to v5.32. Two days ago, after log-in, an update notification window appears and noticed us about a new firmware followed by the question whether the update should be downloaded and installed. Since the USG700Flex is not yet integrated in our production system, I chose YES and USG updated to FW v5.35.
    Since then the following PW change notification window appeared after each login:

    Setting the drop-down box from "every time" to "never", followed by OK button, caused to a small grey error message window:

    "Wrong CLI command, device timeout or device logout"

    which automatically disappeared after 2 seconds.

    As said above, finally I have changed both admin passwords again. Now this window doesn't appear anymore on log-in. But I guess on next FW update it comes back as long as the Admin passwords won't be changed again, since the USG didn't accept the ' Remind me: "never" ' selection until now.
  • Zyxel_Jeff
    Zyxel_Jeff Posts: 1,311  Zyxel Employee
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    Thanks for your feedback.
    The warning message “Strongly recommend changing them now to strengthen the secure access” reminds you to change the password to a more complex one. As for choosing the reminder to "never" and clicking OK then appear "Wrong CLI command, device timeout or device logout", it's unnormal.
    This message means the Web-GUI tries to issue CLIs to the ZySH daemon but timeout and failed.
    I tried to update USG Flex 700 from 5.32 to 5.35 at our lab but cannot reproduce this symptom.
    So, once this symptom appears again, please contact us and we will remotely debug this issue for you. Many thanks.
  • USG_User
    USG_User Posts: 387  Master Member
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    Hi Jeff,

    Today the error reappears again. When logging-in the Password Change Notification window is presented. Therein I set the combo box "Please remind me:" to "never" and clicked OK.

    Then shortly a small CLI error window appears which disappears after 1 second automatically. That means that switching to "never" failed. And this caused that the Password Change Notification window is being presented on each login attempt again and again.

  • Zyxel_Jeff
    Zyxel_Jeff Posts: 1,311  Zyxel Employee
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    Hi @USG_User

    Thanks for your update. Can you provide the remote Web-GUI link to us for further checks by private message? I will send a private message to you later, please check your e-mail inbox. We would like to check if it relates to ZySH daemon exists some problems. Thanks.

  • Zyxel_Jeff
    Zyxel_Jeff Posts: 1,311  Zyxel Employee
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    Hi @USG_User,

    Since this symptom has resolved, we suggest that you continue to monitor it. If the problem occurs again, please let us know. Thank you!

  • USG_User
    USG_User Posts: 387  Master Member
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    Thanks Jeff, appreciate your good support

    Was it a little "glitch" only, or could you find a bug in FW?

    For the moment it works fine and the PW change notification screen doesn't appear anymore. I would come through again in case this behaviour reappears.

  • Zyxel_Jeff
    Zyxel_Jeff Posts: 1,311  Zyxel Employee
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    Hi @USG_User

    When we accessed the USG Flex700 and the pop-up Password Change Notification appeared, we selected the option "never" and clicked "OK." After that, we were able to enter the Web-GUI normally. It seems that we were not able to reproduce this issue yesterday.

    However, we did notice a log message indicating that the ZySH daemon was busy on 3/14, but the log does not prove that it was caused by selecting the "never" option. Therefore, we currently do not know the root cause of the issue. If the symptom occurs again, please let us know. Thanks.

  • n4cr2k
    n4cr2k Posts: 10  Freshman Member
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    I'd like to report that I've had this problem on my USG Flex700 for as long as I can remember. I'm on the latest 5.36(ABWD.1) firmware.